by Jerry Ousley

In the Mark Twain novel, "Tom Sawyer," one of the things that happened was that the community thought Tom and his friend, Huckleberry Finn, were dead. They were nowhere to be found so Tom's aunt just figured they had drowned in the Mississippi River.

What had really happened was that Tom and Huck were on the run from Injun Joe. They had seen him commit murder and he had threatened their lives. Another man was being tried for the incident and they knew that he was innocent. But if they told what they knew then they would be the next victims of Injun Joe, so to escape the whole situation they decided to run away and live on a deserted island out in the river.

One thing led to another and they found themselves back in town. People were gathering at the church and it wasn't even Sunday, so they decided to find out what was going on. They hid in the church and discovered that it was their own funerals. To make a long story short, they got caught. But it was just like they had been resurrected from the dead!

In a couple of Sunday's it will be Easter. It's the day we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It's kind of odd that the only ones who really witnessed this remarkable event were the soldiers guarding the tomb to keep His followers from stealing His body. But even if there wasn't a large crowd gathered it didn't stop Him from coming back.

He had been horribly beaten, punished and then crucified, suffering one of the most inhumane deaths any one could ever imagine. He died on that cross and it seemed like it was the end of it all. His disciples gathered in hiding to try to figure out what they were going to do next. They were in hiding that Sunday morning when suddenly some women burst into the room declaring that they had seen an angel who had told them that Jesus was no longer dead but that He had been resurrected! They could hardly believe it. Peter and John ran to the tomb to see for themselves. There they found the grave clothes where His body should have been. The napkin that had covered His face was neatly folded and placed to one side. Then the angel appeared to them too, telling them that Jesus had indeed been resurrected.

Most would not believe their story. The Jewish officials paid off the guards who had been at the tomb to say that the disciples had overpowered them and stolen the body of Jesus claiming this impossible lie. But that didn't stop it from being true.

Just like those Jewish officials, many yet today refuse to believe. They can't understand how that a man who had died like Jesus had could come back to life. They may believe Him to have been a great teacher, certainly one who was worth consideration, but to come back from the dead? Impossible! But it still doesn't stop it from being true. We can argue all we want; we can conjure up theories, excuses and explanations, but when it comes right down to it, God in the Flesh can do whatever He wants to do. Just when we think we've got it all together He'll burst open the box and do it another way.
He was resurrected that first Easter morning. It happened just like it is told in the Bible. He died for our sin, and then arose as the first fruits of salvation to give us hope of one day being resurrected as well. The curse has been broken; we have been made free not only by the sacrifice of Jesus, but by His victorious resurrection.

The free gift of salvation given by His death and resurrection is available to all. In order to claim it we've got to believe believe to the point that we're ready to do something about it. What do we have to do? Simply confess that we are sinners and that we need a Savior, believe enough to allow Him to completely change our lives, and then live for Him as a witness of the miracle of the New Birth. If you do, you'll find that the change that takes place nearly feels like you have been resurrected - right now!

Jerry D. Ousley is the author of ?Soul Challenge?, ?Soul Journey?, ?Ordeal?, ?The Spirit Bread Daily Devotional and his first novel ?The Shoe Tree.?  Visit our website at to download these and more completely free of charge.

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