An Exceptional Love
by Shannon Heiden

"You will all fall away," Jesus told them, "for it is written:
'I will strike the shepherd,
and the sheep will be scattered.' But after I have risen, I will go ahead of you into Galilee."

Peter declared, "Even if all fall away, I will not."

"I tell you the truth," Jesus answered, "todayyes, tonightbefore the rooster crows twice you yourself will disown me three times."

But Peter insisted emphatically, "Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you." And all the others said the same. Mark 14:27-31 NIV

Beautiful One, have you ever made a promise and had every intention of fulfilling it, but as pressures and problems set you back, have you ever shocked yourself and experienced the confusion and pain of violating your own principles?

Out of all the wonderful people in the Bible, my absolute favorite remains to be the Apostle Peter. I can identify and relate so much to Peter's life. He was a man who immediately fell head over heels in love for the Lord. Peter left everything he had known to follow Jesus. Peter was tenacious, he never had a problem speaking up when others remained silent. Peter walked closely with Jesus, he was not just one of his disciples, he was one of Jesus confidants. Peter was a risk taker and a fighter. Peter got out of the boat and walked on water, Peter was the first one to see Jesus for who he really was, the Christ, the Son of the living God. Peter stood a head and foot taller than most, yes, it is easy to see that Peter's love for the Lord was an exceptional thing.....

And yet, Peter's greatest strength was also his greatest weakness. Although Peter was the first to see Jesus for who he was, he also was the one Jesus rebuked and corrected often. One moment Christ is praising him, and the next, He is telling him he is a stumbling block. Peter was a man of faith, but over the three and a half years he walked with Jesus, Peter soon found out he was also a man of fear. Peter loved the Lord, but Peter also loved himself and when his beloved friend was taken away into custody, it was Peters self preservation that stood a head and foot taller than his affection for his friend did.

Peter boldly declared to Jesus that he would never leave him, in fact he would die with him if he had to.I believe wholeheartedly that Peter meant what he said, but didn't really grasp the gravity of what he was saying.

Beautiful One, saying something is one thing, actually being challenged in it, is quite another.....

It is so easy to make promises. Keeping and fulfilling them, well, that's a different story. When things are going well for us, we tend to have an optimism about us that nothing could ever pull us away from our commitments. But as we can see, it is possible to find yourself on the other end of a dilemma, weeping because you have failed to live up to the declaration that you so boldly believed in.

Beautiful One, we will be strong and weak in many things. But even if we do take 5 steps back for every 1 we go forward, the hope we have is that Christ has already been one step ahead of us.

Peter was hand picked by God to come and follow him. God loved Peter, and yet God knew something about Peter that Peter didn't. An hour would come that Peter would be tested like never before. The vow that Peter made with a sincere faith and a pure heart was tested to the fullest. Jesus already knowing his friend would desert and deny him, took the time to tell Peter. It was as if God wanted Peter to know that He had foreseen, forgiven and loved him anyway. No exceptions!

Peter denied his Lord, but his Lord never denied him. And when Christ, the lover of our souls and of our shortcomings, rose from that grave, He made sure to call Peter by name. "But go, tell his disciples and Peter, 'He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.' Mark16:7NIV

God knew in Peter's darkest hour, when his faith failed and his heart broke, that he needed to hear that God still loved him and the plans He had for his life hadn't changed.

And God did so.

Beautiful One, no matter what test, trial or temptation comes your way, no matter how much you are victorious or your own troubled villain, know this; God loves you, He is with you and He calls you by name.


It is an exceptional love, with no exceptions........

Beautiful One, just believe

Shannon Heiden
[email protected]

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