We Are Accepted!
by Johnny Rivera

Ephesians 1:7-1:7

Resurrection Sunday is fast approaching and some of us quite haven't grasped the meaning of being under the Blood of Christ. I am sure we've read many articles and books and heard many sermons on the subject, yet we've been left without a solid understanding.

When Jesus shed His blood on the Cross, He was the innocent blood sacrifice that God required for the redemption of man's sins. It would clean the slate of any human being who accepted Christ as Lord and Savior. At this point, God would except that person as a son or daughter for all time. This acceptance doesn't kick in when we die and go to Heaven. God doesn't leave us to live our lives in turmoil until it's our time to go home. His acceptance and protection starts the very nanosecond we ask Jesus to be the Lord of our lives. And that acceptance is unconditional. There's nothing we can do to earn that acceptance. It is given to us by God and will not be taken away even when we blow it.

Satan wants to believe that we have to be like Cain and try to earn God's acceptance by the things we do. Satan wants to impose Pharisee religion on us and tell us that we will never be good enough to be loved and accepted by God. He wants us to believe that we have blown it once too many times and God is so disappointed in us that He gave up and took His ball and went home. But they're all lies. God said that He will never leave nor forsake us. The Almighty Creator God, our loving and tender Abba, loves us no matter what. Now, that doesn't mean that He will leave us the way He found us. He will cause us to change to become more Christ-like as our lives move ahead.

We need to realize that we must have faith in the Unseen God rather than the circumstances that we do see. People abandon us, talk about us, lie on us, tell us one thing and do another, quit and say, "You blown it one too many times with me so I am leaving you."

God wants to assure us that He is not like that. He loves us and we are accepted. Even if we have to stand alone, we are never really alone.

Even if you're addicted to drugs, God won't leave you. Even if you had to prostitute yourself to get a gallon of milk for the kids, He loves you still. When no one else could care less about you, He does. No matter what, He's about 70 times seven.

The spilled blood of Jesus Christ proves that.

Now that we have that straight, what do we do? Begin studying the Word more earnestly (if you aren't already) concentrating in His love for us, what He says about His children, and His promises to us. Think about what God has done for you in your life, especially those things that you know without question that if it weren't for Jesus, you would not be where you are today. Pray, praise and worship! Finally, tell someone about what Jesus has done for you. We need to hear your story. You never know who you will be encouraging or whose life you will be saving through your testimony.

The Lord keep you and bless you and smile upon you, sweetness.

Johnny Rivera uses his gifts to encourage others with insights into everyday living and how to handle them in a Godly fashion.  Author reserves all copyrights to his work . Please give author credit when reprinting. www.thinkrivera.net, www.cyniclook.blogspot.com, www.bbp.thinkrivera

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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