Three isms that Spell Destruction-Part 2
by William Ryzek

In an earlier article the terms universalism, pluralism and relativism were discussed, the point being that such philosophies are opposed to the Christian faith. For example, relativism denies absolute truth, pluralism claims that all religions are essentially equal, and universalism posits that God’s grace and love are so great that all beings, including Satan, will be saved in the end.

Now, even though these ideas are destructive to the Christian faith, they have found sympathetic audiences in churches who desire to be inclusive and tolerant of all points of view, hoping to embrace all and alienate none. They seek to be ‘relevant’ in a culture where religion is becoming increasingly less important and influential. But what is really happening is an embracing, and in some cases even mimicking, of the very culture they should be preaching the Gospel to. Ironically, trying to be relevant has made them even more irrelevant. There is really only one thing that has ever made Christianity relevant and that is preaching “Christ crucified…the power of God and the wisdom of God.” (1 Cor. 23-24).

What is happening is the truth of Christ crucified for the sins of the world, and others like it, are being tinkered with in order to be more palatable to the modern, postmodern, megamodern mind under the influence of moral relativism, religious pluralism and soteriological universalism. One form this sort of thinking can be found is in the so called ‘progressive’ Christianity. It holds forth that that Christianity should fall into step with whatever is considered modern and vogue in culture at large, that we should open-minded, fluid, given to dialogue and willing to compromise, even if that means giving up foundational Christian ideas.

For example, it is truly remarkable that in some Christian circles today, the whole idea that God would condone, much less demand, a bloody sacrifice like the crucifixion of Christ is just too embarrassing to be talked about. It is barbaric and tasteless, they say, and then proceed to replace the substitutionary doctrine of atonement with such pap as the moral doctrine of atonement which argues, among other things, that Christ’s sacrifice was an example for us to follow, not a redemptive act required by God. They go on to argue that, since there is no absolute truth, sinfulness is no longer rebellion against God but a violation of human values decided by whatever moral sensibilities are in vogue at a particular time (moral relativism). They place the words of Christ on the same footing as the teachings of any other religion (religious pluralism) and, ultimately, it doesn’t matter since all sincere seekers of Ultimacy will be rewarded with some kind of salvation (soteriological universalism).

So, then what is the point? Simply this: Christians can either remain steadfast to the teachings of the Apostles and thereby remain relevant to God, or opt for moral relativism, religious pluralism and soteriological universalism to be relevant to the world. Choosing the latter of the two is to make the same blunder the Corinthians did in Paul’s day; i.e. denying the power of God and the wisdom of God displayed on the cross. Real progress in Christianity consists of advancement in personal holiness, continual witness of the faith to society, Biblical teaching and preaching, adherence to the ancient creedal expressions of the faith and loving God with all of our hearts, minds and souls.

That many Christians are falling under the sway of these three isms should be of no surprise because the influence of these destructive ideas are everywhere in our society. The final result is, and will be, a lawlessness where right becomes wrong, and wrong right. Jesus said it would happen in the days just prior to His return (Matt. 23:27, here ἄνομος ,or lawlessness, is translated ‘iniquity’). Paul refers to this phenomenon in 1 Tim 1:9 also in reference to the latter days in conjunction with a “great falling away” (apostasy) that will most likely include both Jews and Christians. Paul’s exhortation in light of this lawlessness and apostasy is “to stand fast, and hold the traditions which you have been taught, either by word or our epistle (2 Thess. 2:15). The grammar of the word “stand fast” indicates a continual process which suggests that the forces of lawlessness continually resist the truth of the Gospel and in increasing magnitude. I suppose it would be very much like standing fast in the midst of hurricane winds and not be blown away by the storm. This means, among other things, that should we find ourselves in churches or any kind of fellowships where the teachings and traditions of Biblical Christianity are being compromised, we must stand firm against them. Because these compromises of the faith are often subtle we must know what the truth is and set all counsel up to the light of the Gospel. More on this in part 3 of this series.

William Ryzek, PhD has been both a pastor and academic for several years.  He has published articles in various magazines and newspapers. He can be reached at [email protected]

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