Experiment or Purposed!
by Angela Willingham

This morning I was on my treadmill doing my 30 minute walk praying and meditating. Last night I did a video for the New Beginnings' homepage with His Royal Highness The Fitness Angel. I was sharing that we have a podcast we did in February about on-line dating. I told you before Minister Kim, my sister friend and I were thinking about doing it just to get the experience and see what it was like. Well the Fitness Angel encouraged me to try it. He suggested we could do it for the site and you could all watch me walk through it. I knew there was nothing in me, nothing in my spirit encouraging me to do it. Yes, there are times when it would be nice to have someone in my life but, for me that does not seem to be the right way. I can't imagine sitting at my computer for hours at a time going through men's profiles, trying to find the one that is right for me.

In my quiet time on the treadmill the Holy Spirit spoke to my spirit and reminded me, I am not just anybody, I am God's chosen and He knows what He is doing with my life. He reminded me that He created me with purpose and just like in His proper time He presented Eve to Adam He will present me to the one He has chosen for me. That is not a put down to anyone who has done it, it is just not for me, I know my purpose. He reminded me that He has even put men in my life that would love and encourage me, they are just not the one He has chosen.

The Fitness Angel said he has tried it and put himself out there. Maybe that is part of his purpose. God allows us all to have different experiences so we can share with others. But God also showed me that when we choose to go our own way we can end up in a trap strategically set up by the enemy. In Proverbs 14:12, the bible says,
12 There is a way that seems right to a man,
but its end is the way to death. I found someone, but is that someone part of my purpose or part of what seems right to man or to me? Does it look good and smell good, but it's all part of the experiment not my purpose. The things that look right in our sight are often far from God's plan. The only way to know is to honestly evaluate it next to the will and Word of God, recognizing that what might be okay or right for someone else may be wrong for me, because of my purpose.

A friend told me the other day that she overheard her male friend telling someone, "I can't touch her." My friend is not married. This man understood that he could not be intimate with her in a physical way because that would dishonor each of them and also dishonor God.

Another friend shared that he was finally accepting the woman he is seeing is part of his purpose. He struggled because it was not what he expected.

In both cases my friends shared the relationships were not progressing as any other relationship they had been involved in. The love they felt was not the love young people experience. There was something different about it. One of them told me he had been writing in his journal this very morning what God had revealed to him about the difference. God had specifically, told him to honor her physically, because, God had not given her to him yet. Then he went on to say, God has a purpose in bringing two people together. He brings them together for His purpose. The love, the romance, the pleasure one experiences in the relationship are blessings, by-products of us walking in His purpose. That is different than the way we see relationships in our immaturity. In our immature state it is all about the romance, the love and the pleasure, with God and His purpose being a by-product if He is included at all. The love my friends were experiencing had a new kind of maturity to it. It was not based on emotion, but it had a solid foundation based on friendship. They connected in a new way, a spiritual one. Not connecting physically and not all caught up in emotions. Their relationships are both based on a covenant in their spirits between them and God.

As I continued my quiet time this morning I am continuing in the devotional by Myles Munroe on relationships. Today's devotional was entitled, Experimenting With Life. Once again Myles Munroe reminded us that when you don't know the purpose of something you are experimenting. The reason so many things are foreign to me is because what looks right to man is not right to me or for me, because of my purpose. Maybe, you feel kind of odd sometimes or like you just don't fit in. Maybe, you like me do not feel lead to look for your future mate in the club or on the internet. It might just be the way God made you. My purpose won't allow me to look for a man on the internet, nor will it allow me to date. My relationship with God does not allow it for me, but that is not a criticism of anyone who has done it. God is changing me and cannot and will not allow me to get off track. I could find somebody that is really good, but not part of my purpose and end up settling or missing out on what God really has for me. The scripture from Proverbs 14:12 says, the way seems right, but ends in death. For me that death could be the death of the vision God has given me for ministry or the death of a relationship. In my failing to wait, I might end up missing the true purpose whatever that is. While that man might love me, God might have had more in store for me than that. He purposed love and ministry for me and I settled for love, by my own choosing. Because of my choice, something died. Rather than experience that, I'll wait on God because I want everything He has for me, not what I have chosen for myself.

Proverbs 14:12:
12 There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.

Angela Willingham, CEO New Beginnings Holistic Fitness Ministries, Inc.
Copyright New Beginnings Holistic Fitness Ministries, Inc.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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