Spiritual DNA
by Jody Goode

I got a glimpse of a new image of truth the other night as I was writing a friend and then woke up the following morning with 'more on the subject'...

... As I write I have been given an explanation as I have never seen it before (I hope I can explain it in the same degree) ... Just as Christ was God and Man as He walked this earth because the Spirit of God was actually half of His DNA - conceived by the Holy Spirit - so are we, once we believe. When we are reborn in Christ, we, too, are conceived by the Holy Spirit. We are walking in our humanness, but are invaded in our spirit with the Spirit of God. That is why faith cannot be faked - maybe for awhile, but if it is not truly of God, it will eventually fade away. This is wonderful news of Hope. None of us would be struggling so hard if the Faith we have is not truly of God because the enemy of our souls would not look twice at us because there would be no threat!

And God says, "by George, I think she's got it :)"

Yes, God is still on the Throne and He is my Faith - I cannot fail. He cannot deny Himself.

The next day I awoke with my mind pondering the subject and the Lord faithfully expounded upon it ...

Jesus walked as a perfect being because He was conceived by the Holy Spirit yet born of Mary so that He might walk this earth; this is why He is our perfect example to look to and reflect in our lives. We could never be looked upon by God the way He looked upon His only Son because of the sin that stained us until He paved the way to the Throne as He did. How did He do that? On the Cross, Christ, our Savior, laid aside His Holy DNA and took on our sin and brought it with Him to the grave. Was He wholly man when He made this sacrifice? Is that what was meant when with His last breath He proclaimed, 'Unto Thee, Father, do I commend My Spirit'? Is that why God was not (or could not be) with Him when He descended into Hell - because He no longer dwelled within? What faith He had in His Father to bring Him back Home to dwell with Him,so that He may be once again seated at His right Hand - was Christ, in essence, reborn at that moment, just as we are called to be, when His Father called Him back from Hell? Was the moment He gave up His Divine Spirit on the Cross and decended into Hell the real moment He came to us as we are? I had always considered the moment He was born as a babe in the manger as the moment He came to dwell with us, but until the Cross, He was an alien in a foreign land sanctified by the Spirit of God. But we dwell in Hell and Death and have since 'the Fall' - we are truly the walking dead. No, I believe the difference came when Christ came to where we were and defeated Death in order to give us the opportunity of New Life, thus, of course, salvation coming in the resurrection and the empty tomb. By example, even for our Savior, salvation came as a gift of Grace through Faith from the Father because Christ laid down His Divine Spirit before descending and truly relied on the Father to resurrect Him into His renewed Life of Glory. There truly is not one thing our Savior has not experienced that He asks us to! What love He had for us when He gave up everything just so we could share in the Inheritance that was solely, justly, wholly His! He had EVERYTHING and He chose to share it all willingly and obediently.

I have such new clarity regarding my salvation and the idea of being crucified with Christ and rising with Him into new life - reborn - conceived of the Holy Spirit. At that very moment, eternal life begins, an alien in a foreign land, death defeated, a true child of God - forever!

This may not be exactly how it was but with this explanation I feel I understand my salvation a little bit better and all I can say is - Wow.

Jody R Goode ~ Servant of God writing and sharing His words of inspiration.  Copyright  2010, www.EvangelicalPoetry.com.  All rights reserved.
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Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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