What Is The Best Way to Study the Bible: Keys to an Effective Bible Study Plan
by Lorene Troyer

The most effective way to study the Bible is the one that complements your personality and lifestyle. Have you ever tried to follow a Bible reading plan given to you by a well-meaning friend and found yourself getting discouraged?

It's good to have a systemized way of going through the Bible-otherwise you may find yourself wasting valuable time every day deciding what to study- but how you do it is up to you. You may want to use a Bible reading plan, study a particular topic or go through a certain book in the Bible. After you have decided on a system, you are ready to start studying.

One way to study is to journalize any thoughts or questions that come to you as you read and then research the answers.

You can also do a study by reading the same passages of scripture using 3 or 4 different Bible versions or using a concordance to look up key words. The cross referencing found in study Bibles can direct you to other verses that have a similar theme. Write down the information you find so you can go back to it later.

Meditating is another way to have the Word become more meaningful to you. Pick a passage of scripture and meditate on it by thinking about it and speaking it to yourself. Envision what your life would be like if those scripture verses were fully operating in your life. See yourself having plenty of money in your bank account (Philippians 4:19), walking in love (1 Corinthians 13) or being healed of a disease (Psalms 103:3) Find the scriptures that have the answer to your need.

Find out what works for you and don't get sidetracked by well-meaning people who want you to do what they are doing- reading the Bible through in a year, going through a particular devotional, or attending a Bible study at the new church across town. Don't make commitments you can't keep just because you don't want to say no. Your Bible study time will be much more effective if you enjoy it and it's meaningful to your life.


Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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