Who Knew.....
by Shannon Heiden

All things work together for the good of the called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28 NIV)

Beautiful One, have you lived long enough to have realized that your life and everything that you have gone through has a purpose? Not just any purpose. But, a very specific, unique one. One that was assigned to you before you ever were a thought on the mind of the womb that carried you. Just think for a moment, if you had not gone through what you did, it would not have caused this or that to have happened. Our circumstances and trials, even our successes are all part of a huge plan.

I just want to know one thing. Do you realize that even though you have a freewill, and an active thinking mind, and feet that help you to carry out your plans. Do you really know 'that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord?" (Proverbs 37:23 NIV)

The truth is; nothing just happens. Especially, for those of us who have lived and survived atrocities, things that just didn't make sense. Abuse, bondage's, self destructive ways of living. We need to be reminded that nothing just happens, and all things work together for the good, of those who are the Lords.(Romans 8:28 NIV)

Maybe you look back over the pages of your story and you'd like to rip out a few chapters. Maybe trash the whole book. But I want to remind you that what happened to you is not the greatest tragedy of your life. The greatest tragedy of your life will be if you don't arise from the ashes, ascend the hill, and fulfill your God given purpose on this earth.

Beautiful One, God knows how old you are and what you've been through. He knows who left you, who mistreated you and who loved you. He knows why you do what you do, and He knows exactly how and when to bring you out. The question we must ask ourselves is;

Who knew....

That when Josephs brothers despised him and threw him into a pit, that was the first step of many towards positioning him into his destiny of being ruler over Egypt?

Who knew that a harlot named Rahab, with one act of faith would save her whole house?

Who knew that a man named Gideon who was fearful and in hiding, would receive a Word and help from the Lord to go and conquer an army?

Who knew that Jonah was still in Gods will, while running away. Who knew that God could sustain a man in the belly of a big fish, and still, use him to carry out the plans He had for him?.

Who knew that three men could be thrown into a raging fire and come out unharmed? The only thing that was burned, were the very ropes that held them bound.

Who knew that Paul, persecutor of Christians, would be the greatest Apostle of his time?

Who knew that a teenager with just a slingshot and a stone, would slay a giant and become a king?

Who knew that a young girl, would find favor from a king and save a nation?

Beautiful one, who knew that God in his mercy and love for us would reach down, come to where we're at, reach in and pull us out. Who knew that while we were crying, God was watching. Who knew that when everything seems to be falling apart. When hope is waning and fear's winning, that God's gifts and purpose for our lives would still be irrevocable? (Romans 11:29 NIV) Who knew that God can do more through our struggles and adversities than He will through our successes. Who knew that He doesn't need to ask anyone's approval? When God gets ready to bring you up, no one can ever take you down.

If his plans for us are good, to give us hope and an expected end, then that means everything, everyone, and every place we have ventured is all part of the purpose He has for us.

All things will work together for you and I because we serve a mastermind, a brilliant, breathtaking God. No matter what you have endured, are enduring, or what will come. just remember. God takes dirt and mud and heals blinded eyes. He sends money in the mouths of fish if He has to. He will feed your family with only a jar full left. He will take the long way around and go through the crowds to search you out. And, he will find you. He will take you by the hand and safely lead you out.

He really does have it under control, He's God!

It's time to stop the tears of regret and wishing we had had it better, like others. We need to understand that we are who we are because of the way we have been taken, and we never would have made it alone. Arise, you can do it. Just get up from where your at and walk on. Knowing, that your steps are completely ordered by the Lord and not one of them has ever been taken alone.

Beautiful One, who knew?

Shannon Heiden
[email protected]

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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