by yvonne north

It comes, a sudden knowledge of that clammy chill.
Dive under the yielding velvety blankets.

S-h-h... listen, the insect symphony orchestra tune their instruments.

Cocks trumpet reveille.

Cold, hard, concrete meets sleepy reluctant feet.

Oops false start.
One more dip in soft, fluffy warmth.

Quiet pleading with God to wind back time
30 minutes
15 minutes
5 minutes.

His answer:
"Be at peace child; tell me, what your plans are today."

A bed veil splits.

Golden liquid candle light paints dancing shadow pictures across the wall.

Cerulean beams peek through the window.

At last birds begin to sing praise songs
As they thank The Lord for creating another pristine day.

I bave been a missionary in Kenya working among the Luo people as a medical clinic administrator and among the Turkana as a messenger of God's word for the past four years. My Heavenly Father has graced me on occasion with HIS words of encouragement. My prayer is to encourage others with HIS words.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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