Global Warming
by Jerry Ousley

I have to confess that I am by no means an expert on this subject. I've read the articles, heard the news stories, and the varying and different opinions. Some feel like those claiming that our world is warming up don't have the slightest idea of what they're talking about, while others take the matter very seriously. I've expressed my opinion which, if you put with a dollar might get you a small cup of coffee these days.

The claim is that all the "green house" gases we've been spewing from our automobiles, and that have been filling the sky above our heads from all those gigantic smoke stacks have created a canopy in our atmosphere that intensifies the rays of the sun much like the glass or plastic coverings of a literal green house. In a way it makes sense. But again, I haven't studied this effect. I don't have all the answers and I frankly don't know what I'm talking about concerning this subject. It's just my opinion.

I have noticed that the rays of the sun feel hotter than I remember. When we were children we didn't hibernate the summer away in an air conditioned house playing video games. We couldn't wait to get outside in the heat of the day and play until we had exhausted ourselves. There were all kinds of things to stimulate our minds. We'd get with neighbors and friends and have gangs of kids, some being cowboys and some being Indians one day, while on another day we'd be soldiers, spies, or astronauts exploring "strange new worlds" to coin a phrase from the old "Star Trek" series. We didn't even know what air conditioning was until our teenage years.

However, I can truly say that I wouldn't take anything for those years. But back to the matter of the heat from the sun; I know that these days it certainly feels like it's hotter outside. I step outdoors and I feel like I'm going to melt into nothing, and that's before I lift a finger to do any work. When I mow the lawn or work on a project out in the garage the sweat drips off me like water going over Niagara Falls. When I stand in one place too long in the sun I can literally feel the heat burning my skin.

I was speaking to another man about this one day and he kind of put on a smirky grin and said, "I don't reckon' age has anything to do with it, does it?" He just might have something there. I'd say being overweight and out of shape doesn't help the situation any either.

Whether we're experiencing Global Warming or not, God gave us the sun. In the Book of Genesis we read that on the fourth day of creation God made the greater light to rule the day (Genesis 1:16) that's the sun. All the scientific facts we read about the sun seem amazing. How could a big ball of gas burn for so long and affect so much? It does, and God made it to do all these things. We are told that if the earth moved only a few degrees closer to the sun that we'd all be consumed from its heat, and in an equally opposite effect, if our planet moved a few degrees farther away from the sun we'd all freeze to death. Isn't it amazing how God put the earth and the sun at just the right distances from each other just for us?

He's like that. Even in its fallen state, God has placed all of His creation in order to make life good for us, pleasant, enjoyable and comfortable. He did that because He loves us. Think for a moment; if He loves us enough to see to the minute details of things like how close or how far we are from the sun, doesn't it stand to reason that He cares for the problems, situations, and messes we make for ourselves as well? He does you know. He cares about the pain you are going through. He knows our failures, our sins, and our problems, and He wants to be there for us. We've got to be willing to invite Him into them though. He's a gentleman. He's not just a gentleman but the model gentleman. He won't interfere with our free will unless we ask Him. It's not His fault, but He's willing to help. Won't you invite Him into your world today?

The problems and situations you are facing may feel like "Global Warming." It may seem like that the world is quickly coming to an end. We may have a big job cleaning things up if "Global Warming" is a reality. But the "Global Warming" of your life can be cleaned up a whole lot quicker and in an entirely affective way if you'll just invite God into your life. It will take work, and I'm not saying it will be a snap, but the solution is there with some obedience to the "Sun Maker" and some elbow grease on our part. Give it a try and you'll find out what I'm talking about.

Jerry D. Ousley is the author of ?Soul Challenge?, ?Soul Journey?, ?Ordeal?, ?The Spirit Bread Daily Devotional and his first novel ?The Shoe Tree.?  Visit our website at to download these and more completely free of charge.

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