When Evil Reigns
by Fenny West

He had seen the sun and the Son;
then was the kindling of the vision;
Sounding the death knell of slave trade,
He came against such an evil tirade.
The sound fell repeatedly on deaf ears;
They shot arrows hate, lies and fears.

The Liverpool merchants said, 'No!
On our dead bodies. It shall not be so.'
They connived, regrouped, opposed,
But Wilberforce had a calm repose.
He had a goal beyond the sou;l
He had a cause that was whole and sole.

William Wilberforce pressed on and on,
With Thomas Clarkson and Thomas Buxton.
Pitt the Younger was also a brother,
Who was equally very bothered;
Fighting against the bolts and the chains;
Lighting a touch in the freedom train.

Locking horns with the Liverpool merchants,
It was like David against the giant.
They landed forceful blows on Wilberforce,
But he refused to be a spent force.
With his powerful speech, he won the day
That was to herald a New Jubilee Day.

In spite of sickness and sleepless nights,
Wilberforce continued to shine as light.
Slavery retreated to the alley then the valley,
To put an end to millions in misery.
Yes, this champion is dead, yet he speaks:
'Evil reigns when good people refuse to speak'.

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Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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