Good Things Come To Those Who Wait
by Elizabeth Marks

I'm sure you're heard the saying "good things come to those who wait". It's true and it's biblical. Look at Romans 2:7-8 NKJV "eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honor, and immortality; 8 but to those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousnessindignation and wrath".

Can you think of good things you had to wait for? How about a college degree? Was a college degree simply handed to you one day? No. You earned it by enduring many hours of studying, taking classes and tests. As a result, you completed the steps to obtain the degree. How about a baby? Once you decide to have a baby, did you become pregnant right away? Not usually, because it takes the right timing for your egg and your spouse's sperm to come together making a baby. After the egg and sperm meet, did the baby just pop out? Of course not, it took 9 months to grow into a fully developed baby.

Why then do we assume when we get married we'll "live happily ever after" with no difficulties? This is ridiculous. But I'm sad to say I found myself there at one time. As a result my marriage relationship was not doing so well. Good things come to those who wait. Yes, but that's only half the story. Good things come to those who work at it.

A good marriage doesn't just happen. It's takes time to develop. In the Lesson 4 of the Sacred Marriage Bible Study Gary Thomas mentions that it takes couples 10 to 15 years for a couple to finally stop thinking of themselves as individuals and to begin thinking of themselves as a unified "we". Did you ever stop to think about that? It takes a long time for us to understand our new roles and identities once we're married. The Bible says "the two shall become one flesh". That word "become" indicates a process that takes time.

Every marriage is bound to have difficulties. That's a fact of life when two sinners attempt to live together for the rest of their lives. Look at what the Bibles teaches us on how to approach life's difficulties. James 1:2-4 NKJV "My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing." Difficulties in life help us mature, if we allow them too. Hang in there when you find yourself in a rough patch. It's gets better and if you're open to it you might learn something from the experience. Don't give up during difficulties in marriage. Anyone can do that. You've got God on your side and He'll help you endure the difficult parts and grow you in the process.

Speaking from personal experience, my husband and I once were on the verge of divorce. However, with perseverance, we stuck out the difficulties of our marriage. As a result, we were blessed with renewed hearts, restored marriage and a second child! We've been married now for almost 19 years and I'm happy to say "I'm glad we decided to persevere".

Lord, thank you for your goodness. Thank you for saving good things for those who persevere. Help us during the difficulties of life turn to you that we may become mature. Thank you for your blessings that come when we seek you diligently through the rough patches in life. In Jesus' name Amen.

Copyright Elizabeth Marks, author of ThinkOnIt Devotions, has a heart for encouraging believers with God's Word.  Please visit for more devotions, bible studies, book reviews and more!

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