Dangerous Woman
by Sheila Dougal

"All these kings responded by mobilizing their warriors and uniting to fight against Israel. Their combined armies, along with a vast array of horses and chariots, covered the landscape like the sand on the seashore." Joshua 11:4

Right now, in our church body, we are starting a series the pastor calls "Dangerous Church." I was so moved this weekend by God's message to my heart through the teaching.
His message: You're a "Dangerous Woman" against the enemy. You were just a plain Jane, blend in the crowd, go with the flow, untalented people pleaser, but I have changed you to be a Wife of Valor, a woman who fears the Lord and no one, or nothing else."

We sang a classic song, "Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain. He washed it white as snow....Oh Praise the One who paid my debt and raised this life up from the grave!" I trembled at the overwhelming grace of God to me, and wept.

It's so hard to let go of everything and just grab on to grace. It's hard to believe your a Dangerous Woman, when you constantly fight to not doubt or be fearful, and your bent towards sin is always in front of you. It's so hard to just let go of trying to "be a better Christian," and embrace the gifts of God given me through the suffering and death of Jesus. All hell, and all my flesh says, "Just try harder, work more..."

I'll never be a dangerous woman by working hard to be a better people pleaser, even a better Christian. It's being with Jesus, just like it was for Peter and John, that makes me a "Dangerous Woman."
When people in their lives saw their boldness, knowing what untalented wimps they had been, they were amazed! It rattled their chains, chains they may have never before realized were there. Peter and John were a dangerous offense to the system of pride in the world, and to the deceiving bonds of hell in peoples lives. It was the fact that people new they had been with Jesus which caused them to take note of their message. (Acts 4:13)

When Joshua and his army faced enemy after enemy in the promised land, to be a danger to the camps of the enemy, the enemy took note when they heard of all the damage Joshua and his men were doing. They took note because the LORD fought for Israel (Joshua 10:42-11:1-4).

The power Israel displayed over it's enemies in the promised land was supernatural. The enemy couldn't explain or fight against tactics like quietly circling a city and the worshipping out loud which caused the walls of Jericho to fall. They couldn't live in the presence of this Israeli army who went every man straight before him, not being persuaded by the riches of the world or the seductive lies of the enemy. They couldn't endure the presence of an army who refused to accept the appearance of the enemy fleeing, chasing even those few who straggled at the back of the pack to put a complete end to them.

The enemy rose up in enormous numbers because of the supernatural power which was with Israel. When their stubbornness at Jericho didn't work, and their appearance of fleeing didnt' stop Israel, they rose up in mass to invoke fear in Israel. But when they did the Lord spoke to Joshua and said, "Don't be afraid because of them. I'm going to deliver all of them slain before you." (Joshua 11:6)

As I have seen victory in my life because the Lord who fights for me, and by His encouragement continue to oppose the areas in my life where the enemy tries to get me to accept his appearance of fleeing, I find that hell brings a barrage of sins to my rememberance, an enormity of accusations, an overwhelming sense of fear that what I expect God to do is hopeless. It's only being with Jesus, in prayer and in the Word, that gives me boldness of heart, action and speech. It's His presence that makes me a "Dangerous Woman."

So what is the real danger? I think many of the real battles I face are layed out in chapters 4,5, and 6 in Ephesians. As I read through these I face all kinds of "camps of the enemy":
-To keep the unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace with other fallen people desiring to be more like Christ (Eph.4:3)
- To use my spiritual gifts (Eph.4:11-12)
-To speak the truth IN LOVE (Eph.4:15)
-To put off my old ways of acting (Eph.4:22)
-To put on a new way of thinking and acting (Eph.4:23-24)
-To be angry about the right things and not sin in it (Eph.4:26)
-To imitate Christ and let His light in me the works of darkness (Eph.5:8-14)
-To redeem the time by looking for ways to encourage and build up other believers, singing and speaking thankfulness (Eph.5:15-20)
-To willingly get under another to uphold them, a.k.a submission (Eph.5:21)
- To willingly get under my husband to uphold him- submission (Eph.6:22)
-To let Christ be everything I need in a husband, letting His life layed down for me be what rescues me, and His word what makes me beutiful and clean. (Eph.5:25-27)
-To honor my parents (Eph.6:2)
-To not provoke my kids, but train them in the Lord's way (Eph.6:4)
-To do any service I do for men as though I was doing it for Jesus himself (Eph.6:5-9)

In the past I've often believed this is a long, impossible "To-Do List." But it's not, it's the territory of enemy camping in my life. It's no coincidence that immediately after all these things Paul says, "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might," and goes on to describe the spiritual battle and the armor of God and says, "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places."

I'm a Dangerous Woman, and a Wife of Valor, and so are you dear sister, as soon as you just let go of all your trying to work hard for your own version of the promised land, and accept the enormous riches of God's grace towards you and stand in and on that when you face these scriptures and know the enemy's camping there. Don't give up! Stand in His grace! Let the enemy be confused and destroyed by your refusal to give up on God's power in you. He'll try every tactic, be aware and continue in being with Jesus daily. Be a Dangerous Woman!

Sheila Dougal is a 32 year old wife and mother living in Goodyear, Arizona with her husband James and their two sons.  She enjoys serving in the women's and children's ministries at her local church, and writing on her website www.wifeofvalor.com.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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