What If Tomorrow Never Comes?
by Shannon Heiden

Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth. (Proverbs 27:1 NIV)

Beautiful One, if today was your last day on earth, would you be satisfied with what you did with the time given to you? Would you regret that you didn't make the most of the opportunities afforded to you? Would you have said everything your heart desired, or would you leave someone behind in confusion and pain?

Do you have some unfinished business? Are you putting it off? Are you avoiding some people and situations, hoping they will go away and magically work themselves out? Do you think that by confronting the truth of a situation, that it will leave you vulnerable and exposed? It probably will, but why not tie up loose ends? Why do we wait, putting off for tomorrow what we have the power to change today?

Beautiful One, what if tomorrow never comes?

I recently visited a friend who is a co-worker. She has a beautiful smile, an adorable laugh, and she is one of the sweetest people I know. When I visited with her this week, it was a visit I never anticipated. She was in the ICU in a medically induced coma, fighting for her life. Just 5 days prior she was at work, smiling and laughing. So, imagine my surprise when I found out my friend was in the hospital, given a fifty percent chance to live.

I don't know if it is so much shocking as it is unbelievable. It took the reality of the situation to sink in. And, the reality of this situation is; tomorrow may never come for my friend.

Beautiful One, the fact is; no one is promised tomorrow. I think we know this, but because we don't focus on it, sometimes we put things off. Sometimes we allow relationships that wounded us to remain severed. In our wounding we forget that any pain we don't treat and tend to, will only remain and fester.

Sometimes we may even allow years to go by before picking up the phone and at the very least attempt to reconcile with someone. The wounds may be great, the anger may still be present, but deep within our hearts, we long for a mending.

Through the process of time we become either too afraid to reach out, fearing more pain through rejection, or we're just prideful. Neither will heal us. The two will only serve us spoonfuls of misery. Witnessing my friends situation has caused me to ponder life and the relationships that mean the most to me.

During our lifetimes, we will experience many fulfilling relationships, and we also will experience being wounded. The heart we gave away to someone can at some point be given back to us; tattered, torn and in pieces. Love is wonderful and beautiful. Love can also be hard and painful. It can hurt us in ways that are unimaginable.

Only until we experience the many faces of love for ourselves does this truth become real to us.

Today let us examine our lives under the microscope of the here and now. Forget about yesterday, it's gone. The things that happened cannot be undone. Yesterday can only be learned from. Tomorrow may come, maybe not, which of us really knows? Are we willing to risk it, when we have the power to do something today?

Is there someone who needs to hear from you? Do you need to ask forgiveness of someone you wounded, even if you didn't mean to? Do you need to lay aside the family pride for a moment and call a family member? Maybe they have hurt you, but, have you yourself never hurt anyone? Can you cast a stone at anyone for something that you are guilty of as well?

Beautiful One, no one holds their newborn baby and hopes for an estranged relationship years later. Who walks down the isle one day and says "I do," only to walk into court a few years later regretting they did?

Who loves a friend and confides in them then gets enjoyment out of turning their back on them? Which one of us wakes up one morning and decides to become an alcoholic, or drug addict by nighttime? Who really longs to hurt and push away the ones we love? But because we are hurting, we do, only what we know.

The truth remains that life will present many faces to us. We all have contradictions. We each will wrestle with our own demons, and we each will be hurt, and inflict hurt onto others. We are people; flawed and fallible.

The question we must answer is; can we effectively and objectionably judge ourselves accurately? Can we overlook offenses, because deep down we know we are capable of many ourselves? Or, will we continue to walk out this life, holding onto wounds, pointing our fingers at others actions, never looking to our own?

Doing this will surely sew a patch of sadness over our hearts and ultimately cause us to be depleted of our joy and strength. It will taint and tear at the very fabric of our lives. Even a little bit of yeast in the dough will effect the whole batch. Really, none of us wants that. So why not change it? We might not be able to do everything, but we can do something, and deep within we know what to do.

So let's do it today.

Beautiful One, just believe, because tomorrow may never come....

Shannon Heiden
[email protected]

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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