Visitors at Christmas
by Jerry Ousley

Christmas has always been a time when people get together. We don't do it as much as we once did, but there was a time when Debbie's entire family would come to our house for Christmas dinner. Counting children, husbands, wives, boyfriends and girlfriends, we've had as many as fifty people in our house on Christmas day. To be honest, there were times when I wasn't sure that the floor joists upstairs, or downstairs for that matter, would hold us all up. But they did.

We would set folding tables up in our living room, moving out or, back out of the way the recliner, couch and love seat, to make way for the spread and so that we could all be seated together. Deb would cover those folding tables with a nice, long table cloth and it would look as if we had one long table. Folding chairs accompanied the set up and we would have a feast. It was great times together. And then I wonder why I've gained so much weight over the years!

Many folks get together at Christmas. Some even like getting together so much that they make two and even three stops at in-laws homes, aunt Margret's, and Mom and Dad's. It can wear a body out but frankly it's good that people get together and share.

But, wow! What a clean up after all the company's gone! I suppose it's worth it though because we just never know what another year is going to bring.

Lying in the manger in that little stable under the inn, Jesus had visitors too. First there were the shepherds. They had been tending to the flocks at night out on the hills overlooking the tiny burg of Bethlehem. I suppose it was a quiet night, not unlike many others for these second shift shepherds.

But then something happened. They were visited first. An angel appeared announcing the birth of the Christ the Messiah. This angel didn't make his announcement to the king of Israel but to these humble, common shepherds. Then, the whole heaven was filled with a great angelic choir singing praises to this newborn baby. After they had gone the shepherds immediately left the flocks and went to see this tiny wonder God's gift to the world at Christmas. Hastily they descended the hills and made their way to the stable where they saw with their own eyes the Christ Child.

Nearly two years later, after Mary and Joseph had moved to a house in the village, they had another visit from the Magi or Wise Men from the east. They had seen a star that was unlike all the others. It was a special star created just for this time. They followed that star all the way to Israel. They made a stop at Jerusalem, because surely such a great event would be known by the king. But that's a story for another time. In short, they were told of the prophecies that Messiah would be born in Bethlehem.

The star reappeared and led them straight to the house where Mary, Joseph, and the infant, Jesus were staying. They brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Again, these gifts have their own story for another time.

All these visitors were very important people in the story of Christmas. But I want to submit to you that this Jesus who was visited by all these people also wants to visit you. Perhaps this Christmas finds you feeling gloomy because of the loss of someone special, or maybe it conjures up unpleasant memories for one reason or another. Jesus wants to visit you to comfort you and let you know that you will never be alone.

He also wants to visit those who haven't made a decision to follow Him as of yet. He is visiting you this Christmas to let you know that there really is more to this season than just going in debt for presents, going to parties and getting a few days off from work. He wants to spend some time with you letting you know that your life can be forever changed because He was born, coming into this world to pay the penalty for our sins. He wants to be your personal friend and Savior. Go ahead; answer the door. You've got a visitor this Christmas and it's none other than the King of kings!

Jerry D. Ousley is the author of ?Soul Challenge?, ?Soul Journey?, ?Ordeal?, ?The Spirit Bread Daily Devotional and his first novel ?The Shoe Tree.?  Visit our website at to download these and more completely free of charge.

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