by willetta pilcher

Deana listened to the chatter around her as she put the finishing touches on the bountiful table. A golden brown turkey sat at the end of the table just waiting for her Dad's practiced slicing procedure to begin. Steaming bowls of dressing, mashed potatoes, green peas and carrots were expertly placed along the length of the table along with homemade yeast rolls. Scrumptious pies, fruit salad and brownies awaited dessert time on the counter. Mom had once again set a beautiful and scrumptious Christmas table.

As she called everyone to the table, each guest took their place and then became silent as they looked at Grandpa to say the blessing. Their eyes were instinctively drawn to an empty place beside Deana as Grandpa momentarily hesitated.

He cleared his throat and began the traditional Christmas prayer. "Father, we receive this bounty that you have provided for us. Your graciousness throughout this past year has been richly enjoyed and we are blessed to know you as our provider, our strength, and our Savior. We have an empty place at our table today. Our dear Brad is serving our country in Afghanistan along with so many other men and women. Protect him and them, Father, and bless them all with your peace. We are thankful that Brad knows you as his personal Savior. We are especially thankful for the new electronic device, 'Skype,' that will allow us, later on today, to share this holiday time with him. We are indeed blessed as a family with so many good things! Bless this food now we pray in the name that is above all names, Jesus. Amen."

Deana silently wiped the tears from her eyes as Dad's voice boomed forth in the room. "Pass your plates everybody and Deana you shall have the very first slice."

The room was suddenly filled with excited chatter. Exclamations of "Oh, this looks so good," and "Oh, Deana, this smells heavenly," filled the room. A certain silence prevailed as everyone began to savor the delicious meal. Later groans could be heard around the room as each exclaimed that they were as stuffed as that delicious turkey had been.

At precisely 8pm Afghanistan time the family gathered around the computer as Deana skillfully brought up Skype and signaled for Brad. His cherry voice filled the room as he called out, "Hello everyone from Afghanistan and Merry Christmas! It has been one-hundred twenty degrees here today but now that the sun is going down and we have our gear off it is becoming quite comfortable. Have you opened your presents yet?

Everyone tried to talk at once but soon settled for one at a time. Deana patiently waited for her turn. How thankful she was for this way to communicate with her husband. Yes, the computer didn't have arms nor sweet kisses but at least she could talk to him and know he was alright.

At Dad's signal everyone slipped out of the room to allow Deana and Brad some private time.

It had been a wonderful day and God was good.

Willetta has spent most of her life ministering to people.  In her late seventies, and a wheelchair now her mode of travel, she now ministers to people through the internet.  Her webs are...

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