Heaven Stands At Attention...
by Shannon Heiden

But now, this is what the LORD says he who created you, O Jacob, "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior." (Isaiah 43: 1-7 NIV)

Beautiful One, here we are in the Holiday season. It seems to have snuck up behind us. By the way, how are you feeling during this season?
Christmas time is a beloved time of year. We celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior as we gather together with family and friends. It is a season of giving to others and celebrating the culmination of every good thing in our lives.

But for many, Christmas is a time filled with deep sadness. For those who are disconnected, and displaced from friends and loved ones, Christmas can actually seem depressing. Maybe a painful memory fills the air instead of holiday cheer.
Beautiful One, we tend to be more awake to the reality of the mishaps and misfortunes in our lives at this time of year. I don't know if it is because this is the appropriate time to spend with our loved ones more, or because it's just the expectation that everyone seems to have as to how everything should be. But what do you do when your family is at odds? One against the other. Pride and bitterness fill the punch bowl, and all who drink even a portion of the misery are tainted in some way. Gathering together can be stressful, if not explosive.

Maybe this year your marriage broke up and you are alone. This holiday will just be a reminder of all that was lost. Maybe a loved one passed away. The thought of celebrating without them is just too painful, so you wont even allow yourself to celebrate at all.

Maybe your child wont speak to you, or a sibling. Maybe you lost your job, and you don't have gifts to give your children, let alone money enough to put food on the table. There are countless tragedies and occurrences that happen in our lives. The holidays can evoke so much emotion in us.

Facing trials and hardship can sometimes makes it hard for us to celebrate the good times in our lives. When we have walked through hardship, we may even be afraid to allow joy into our lives for fear that the other shoe may drop at any time. And because we fear, we stand guarded and miss opportunities to celebrate. I remember a time in my life when I dreaded Christmas. Some of my family was disconnected from each other. Instead of celebrating with the ones I did have around me, I mourned the ones I didn't.

Sometimes, we look around us and we can't see anything good. The trials and pain have blinded us to the reality that there is always something good in our lives. During difficult times, we need to be reminded that no matter what; we are blessed and highly favored. Even if there is no one around to tell us so. We are blessed because God has redeemed us and promises to always be with us.

That one simple truth makes us a blessed people. The fact that God knew all of our shame, pain and wickedness before we ever did, and He still called us by name, means that we are highly favored, and all of Heaven stands at attention.

It means that when we don't have the answer, He does. When we've done our best, and best wasn't good enough, God will do the rest. We are blessed because we know that no matter what loss we've suffered at the hands of another, or what we've incurred at our hands, we have a God who sits on high but looks low and will use that empty space to fill with wonder and awe.

Beautiful One, all of heaven stands at attention while our God makes every crooked place straight. Be careful to not allow any adversity, pain or mishap to distract you from the truth of your true blessing. You are blessed because YOU and Jesus are the reason for this Season. Yes, I said you.

Jesus left His throne in Heaven, humbled himself in the form of man to walk, and talk on this earth. He died for you and I. He suffered in his flesh so that when we are silently suffering and dying on the inside, we would know that He is a God who completely understands. And his mercy shall triumph over us every time.

When others have rejected and misunderstood us (and they will,) when the house note is past due, when jobs are lost and marriages are broken, our God will remain. Dry those eyes, lift that head up, do all you know in your heart to do, and then; stand, watch and get ready. Because our God will add his super to our natural and He will do exceedingly above and beyond all that we think, ask or imagine.

During this season, settle your weary heart with this truth; we came into this world with nothing, but, we shall not leave it empty handed. No our stuff isn't going with us, but what is, is the Spirit of the One true God. Our Redeemer lives, and because He does, we shall too, and nothing shall ever separate us again.

Now thats a reason to celebrate!

Beautiful One, just believe, because God is watching, and all of Heaven stands at attention.

Shannon Heiden
[email protected]

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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