Colorful People
by Scarlett Farr

Hello, what a glorious morning. The sun is shining, the temperature is not too cold, not too hot, not too humid. A great day to be in the city. Oh, pardon my manners, let me introduce myself. I'm Paula. Paula the Pigeon. This is my sidewalk and my bench. I come here every morning to people watch. I love people well, I love most people. Some of them aren't very nice to me, but most are kind and they are all interesting. In fact, I think of people as a rainbow that God created. Why don't you sit with me awhile and I'll show you the colors of the rainbow.

O look, here come two red ones. Can't you tell? Well, it's obvious, dear, by they way they are walking. They are holding hands and her head is leaning ever so slightly onto his shoulder. Their soft laughter is such a beautiful sound.

Whoa, look out, here comes a little orange one. He comes galloping past five days a week, dragging his mom in tow. He exhausts me just watching his excitement while they wait for the bus. He's always so busy and has an endless supply of questions.

See that yellow one over there? The stand-offish one on the corner. Poor thing, she's timid as a mouse. She never talks or makes eye contact with anyone. She even cuts a wide berth around me every morning. I believe if I were to squawk at her she'd faint right in her tracks.

Uh-oh, here comes an interesting green one. Boy is she a talker and none too happy most of the time. She doesn't like very many people, especially people who have something she wants. She rides the bus every day but would prefer to have a fancy sports car like her boss. I don't think she likes her hair. She's always talking about her sister's perfect hair. Come to think of it, I think she wants her sister's clothes and boyfriend too.

A blue one is headed this way. Lately he's been coming to sit on the bench, staring at nothing in particular most of the time. He used to come by here every day with a woman who was very frail, but she hasn't been coming with him for the last few weeks. I miss her; she always brought me some bread or crackers to snack on.

In a few minutes an indigo one will probably join him on the bench. They usually sit and talk for awhile and then the indigo one pats his hand and moves on down the street. The indigo one started coming by after the frail one disappeared. Sometimes he will read something to the blue one from an old tattered book and then they bow their heads for a few minutes. Sometimes the blue one cries afterward.

Don't look now, but here comes a purple one. Try not to make eye contact with him. He is very loud. He likes to yell a lot. He screams at me if I'm in his way and he yells at the bus driver every morning. The yellow one won't even cross the street if she sees him waiting for the bus. His favorite past-time is to bellow into his cell phone before the bus arrives. I don't really like purple people.

Oh my, how the time has flown. The bus is coming down the street so I guess it's time for you to leave. It was so nice to meet you. I hope you'll stop and people watch with me again some time. It is always so interesting when the colors are out and about.

Scarlett Farr lives with her husband, daughter and dog in Lizella, Georgia.

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