"Goodbye Old Thinking"
by Apostle Dr Val Egbudiwe

1 Corinthians 13:11
"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things".

The thinking process of a child is different from that of an adult. When a man attains the age of adulthood, he changes his attitudes from childish tendencies to matured behavior. Spiritual maturity starts with your thoughts so also is your freedom. When your thinking process is in line with the Word of God, you start to grow into spiritual maturity and this paves the way to freedom.
Your thought pattern ought to be in conformity with where you are in life. Many people are living in developed countries but they still carry with them the thought patterns of the third world where they had previously lived. This means that
Position does not guarantee disposition
No one ever experience true change until the mind changes.
I want to share a story with you. A scientist used a dog to carry out an experiment on the power of conditioning. He leashed the dog to a stake and put the dog's food out of the dog's reach. Because the dog's leash was not long enough, each time he tried to get food, he hurt himself while stretching to reach at the food. The dog kept hurting himself in the process. Getting food became a process of pain. By the fourth week of the study, the food was moved close to the dog but he never tried to reach for the food but rather stayed by the stake and starved. This dog has been conditioned by the pain that kept him away from reaching the food. Even though he is now free to eat, the dog believed he could not. The dog had to be slowly carried to the food to recondition him.

Numbers 11:4-6
The children of Israel were on the way to Canaan. They had left Egypt but have not given up their Egyptian thinking pattern. Egypt was still in their mind.
New never guarantees change!
God did not take them directly into Canaan because they were still mentally enslaved to Egypt. They have been delivered from Egypt but they were not free. The only thing that can free them is when they take responsibility for their thoughts and say goodbye to Egyptian thinking. They were delivered by God from the bondage of Egypt but delivering them from their oppressed way of thinking was another thing. God provided them with all they needed for a new way but one thing God could not do for them was change their minds.
God will give you all inspirations for godly desires and goals but He will never change you. Your change begins from the inside of you! It begins in your SOUL!!!

Paul addressed the Romans and said:
"be transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Romans 12:2)
The word 'transformed' here means 'changed'.
Remember beloved in Christ that the mind here has nothing to do with your spirit. You experienced spiritual transformation at new birth which delivered you from the kingdom of darkness into the family of God. But your freedom starts from your soul.
The soul consists of the mind, will and emotions. What you feed your soul determines your quality of life and degree of freedom.
Friends! You have to say goodbye to old thinking and renew your mind. The mind must be renewed before you can walk into freedom from the oppressor's chains of bondage.
Nothing will change until the soul changes.
You must say goodbye to old thinking. You cannot play old Egyptian games in the land of Canaan. They cannot work
The way you think determines the way you feel and the way you feel determines the way you act! You must determine your thinking pattern. You can't start with action, you got to start with your thought.
Freedom comes with a price and only the matured can bear the burden of freedom. It takes place in the mind as you accept responsibility to move forward and allow the reconditioning of your oppressed thinking.

Many people are still bound by their old patterns of thought. You need to arise!
Say goodbye to old thinking! You can't be speaking in variety of tongues but yet cannot speak to a bank official for loan! Change your thought pattern today and move into freedom for you were created to be free.

Val Egbudiwe is a man of God with a unique anointing to deliver God's people from bondage. God's presence is always manifested as God confirms His Word with signs and wonders when he preaches. He is currently the Pastor of Chapel of Revival and Miracles, Mesquite, Texas, USA. www.chapelofrevival.org

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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