Introducing Shnods
by Tracy Finney

Introducing Shnods

What is a shnod you might want to ask?
Well let me get right to my task.

A shnod first developed late at night;
Four little kids had thoughts so bright.

The first one came to ask if he could;
The second child asked if he should.

Immediately came three and four,
Asking if they could go outdoors.

Now imagine the scene on that night,
Momma was in a mood not right.

How could she answer the children four?
How could she settle such a score?

One question's answer was to say no,
The other one was wait some more.

The dear little one, her answer yes!
Number four was such a big pest.

Momma couldn't answer all their calling;
So they continued with their bawling.

With one last desperate youngster's prodding,
Momma just began her shnodding.

Her frustrated hands flung through the air.
Shnod scattered her hair everywhere.

It's simple to explain about the shnod;
The answer's both a shake and nod

A simple circle suddenly made,
Your head will tire of the charade.

Maybe a shnod is not the best;
Next time just answer with a 'nes'!

Tracy Finney is a stay-at-home mom. She spends most of her time home schooling her four children. In her free time she enjoys writing. Tracy is also a published author. Her book, God Will Make a Way, is an inspirational romance novel. To find out more please visit

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