The Vital Need For Communication In Relationships
by Greg Baker


Interesting studies suggest that speech is not innate or intrinsic to humans. Efforts to teach speech to animals have only seen simplistic results, and the ability in one animal to say a few words is not passed on to the offspring.

Evidence exists that suggests that speech is solely a learned behavior. Examples of a child growing up in an environment without speech show that he will naturally develop other methods of communication, not that of complicated speech. Thus, if two such people had children, their offspring would not develop speech either. It is not innate, nor intrinsic to us. It is solely a learned behavior. It implies that the first humans could speak.


The ability to communicate in complicated manners is one reason why we are so superior to animals. It is interesting that the most intelligent animals on earth all have a varied form of communication, but nothing is as complex as human speech. Parrots who can mimic human speech patterns still don't communicate with other parrots in that manner, nor do they attempt to teach their offspring that form of communication. Only humans have words that convey ideas.

It was from an idea that God spoke the universe into existence.

At the same time, one's ability to control his tongue, speech, and language shows a depth of character able to rein in all other parts of the body.

Here are a couple of quotes you may want to remember:

* The pen is mightier than the sword - Bulwar
* A sword less hurt does than a pen! - William King
* A man's character is revealed by his speech - Menanader
* Language most shows a man - Speak that I might see thee - Ben Johnson
* The magic of the tongue is the most dangerous of all spells - Bulwer

God Himself, in His Word, stated that:

Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

Matthew 12:36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.


There is no other power on earth that can both fix problems and create them like that of speech. Whoever said the phrase, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me," was ignorant of human nature. Words can and do hurt--very much so.

* Nations go to war over words.
* Marriages can be fixed with words.
* Children believe your words.
* Words express who you are, what you want, where you are going, ideas, love and hate, and give meaning to the meaningless!


1. Speaking and writing are arts. If you wish to have better relationships, you need to master these arts. It takes effort.

2. Learn new words. Learn how to use them.

3. Learn to write. Write stories, write letters--write anything! Learn to convey your ideas, thoughts, and dreams.

4. Learn communication skills. Learning to talk and to use the right words at the right time will propel you further than you ever thought.

I don't believe that we can accurately say that someone is more intelligent than someone else. Since we use such a small amount of our brains, it is impossible to determine who and who is not smarter than another.

What you see, is a person's ability to use language well. The more command of language that you have; the smarter and more intelligent you will seem to others. It is also one of the few ways to open your mind to what you would not normally perceive. Words help shape perception and reality. They have power.

Once you master the art of expressing yourself through words, you will gain a skill and strength that is unmatched by anything that money, position, popularity, or beauty can ever give you.

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Or for books on communication and social skills in relationships! Specifically, our books 'Fitly Spoken' and 'Restoring a Fallen Christian'. 

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