Thoughts on Finding Your Lifetime Mate
by Marijo Phelps

Do you often feel the Lord Jesus Christ whispering something special to your heart? On this occasion I wrote it down for reflection.

Daughter, in Me shall you find your rest. In Me shall you find your peace/composure. In Me shall you find your love/delight.

I am moving in your heart day by day recreating it in My love. I speak peace, be still to your fears and desires. Know My timing, My will are perfect. There is a plan for you and him. You know not who he is but he is in My plans and tender care.

Delight now in Me and yet forsake not the friends I've given to you, My beloved. I cling not to you for Me alone but desire to reach out to you through My Body with My arms extended and My hands stretched out.
Balance is the key. Seek Me, press in as you are. Minister My Word and love those around you. I shall set you free in Me. Selah.

Who better to lead you to the one you should spend your life with than the Lord Jesus, creator of the universe, He who knew you before your mother's womb and then knit you together in her womb. He who Loved you, no matter the circumstances of your conception. I realize that all of us were not planned for and "wanted". I dare say that most of us were surprises in one way or another but we were no surprise to the Lord God. He thought us up way before, all those little ins and outs of our personality, those things which make us uniquely and wonderfully who we are. SO how about allowing Him to pick our life's mate for us?

Psalms 37:4 encourages us to delight ourselves in the Lord and then He will give us the desires of our heart. Those desires He placed there He will fulfill. Does God give good gifts to His children. Oh, my does He!

Psalm 147:11 promises that the Lord delights in those who fear Him and put their hope in His unfailing love. He loves you and me. He delights in us. Does that sound like someone who doesn't have our best interest in mind? Someone who would give us a "bad" gift? Not to me it doesn't.
He promises not only to give us good gifts but to give us wisdom if we but ask. I can't think of any area where we need more wisdom than that of committing to a lifetime mate. He promises to give us wisdom. So ask and ask and ask, then listen with the ears of your heart. Pour over His Word. Pray much with those who are your covering.

The following are just a few promises from the Word. They are your gifts, wrapped and packaged just for you, beautiful they are!

Psalm 20:4
May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. (NIV)

Proverbs 19:21
Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails. (NIV)

Psalm 118:5
In my anguish I cried to the LORD, and he answered by setting me free. (NIV)

Psalm 142:7
Set me free from my prison, that I may praise your name. Then the righteous will gather about me because of your goodness to me. (NIV)

Our plans are so puny in comparison. We need to let go of pride and any arrogance and receive what the Lord Jesus Christ has for us. It is absolutely the very best. Especially in the terms of a life mate for ministry, family and commitment to each other, praise God!

Prayer: Thank You Lord for perfect timing. Thank You for Your Body to be arms extended and hands stretched out to each other. Help me to never even think or hesitate from saying "yes, Lord, yes." And thank You for Mick and our 24 plus years of marriage! AMEN (Poem obviously written WAY after the word above was laid on my heart!)

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(C) Marijo Phelps all rights reserved. Use with proper credits.

About Self 
Saved by His grace in 1974, from 9 years of professing atheism into His loving arms. RN for 23 years, missionary with YWAM then statistical analyst for Every Home for Christ over 9 years. Living with my husband in the middle of a mountain meadow. GRIN! Wanting to spread the good news

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