It's The Talk Of The Town
by PamFord Davis

Emotions are fragile. Man has been conditioned by his culture to remain strong and in control. Broken dreams and loss push aside a rough exterior to reveal realties of hurt and pain. Society and its standards allow even the strongest to weaken during times of sorrow. A man is permitted to weep like a child at the loss of a loved one. Tears pull back the curtain to our past. Memories of both happy and sad events begin to surface. We find closure and comfort.

The followers of Jesus placed their hopes and dreams in Him. Their long wait for a conquering Messiah would soon be fulfilled. Emotions erupted when He hung on a cross between two thieves. Word traveled fast. He died like a common criminal. Bits and pieces of the story were pieced together. Those who loved Him most felt grief, confusion, and shock.

Two of his followers traveled to a near by town of Emmaus. They discussed the tragic events. Jesus suddenly joined them, though they did not know His identity. (Luke 24:13-16) He asked them what they had been discussing. "The two of them stood there looking sad and gloomy. Then the one named Cleopos asked Jesus, Are you the only person from Jerusalem who didn't know what was happening there these last few days (Luke 24:17b-18 CEV)?"

In great detail they shared details about Jesus, His ministry, arrest and death on the cross. They concluded the story with a fantastic tale by women reporting a story of an angelic message that Jesus is alive! The great teacher began to remind them of prophecy. The Messiah would suffer. Scriptures were fulfilled. The three dined together and their eyes were opened to see the risen Lord! (Luke 24:19-31) They quickly returned to share their personal encounter with others in Jerusalem.

Published articles in Mature Living Magazine, Devotions for the Deaf, The Secret Place, Coosa Journal, Mary Hollingsworth's The One Year Devotional of Joy and Laughter, Jo Krueger's Every Day in God's Word.

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