How Divorce Influences the Next Generation
by Nellie Shani

Divorce is all about the next generation! Two adult people have lived their lives to adulthood and have had the luxury of making a decision that according to them will free them from the tyranny of living with their spouse. They are involved in the decision and are in agreement with it in most cases.

On the other hand is a child or children whose world as they know it has been torn apart. The school of learning on life, has just been dismantled and the teachers have resigned! The role models that they had, who were meant to guide them as they make decisions in their own lives have just thrown in the towel. So where do we go from here?

Well I guess the children had better look for other role models. Perhaps they now need to pay closer attention to what their peers are saying. Maybe joining a gang will give them that security that they feel they desperately need. How about getting love through sex? As for authority, forget authority figures. It is all a scam. Principles? Why believe in principles? It didn't help my parents. God? Forget about him. Where was he when my home was breaking up?

So we tremble as generation after generation of frustrated children are created through divorce. We are creating the next generation through the choices that we are making today. A generation of fathers and mothers who do not know commitment. People who despise authority and who themselves will divorce their spouses!

Nellie  Odhuno Shani is a Counselor, Conference speaker and writer. Her first books are available on, Barnes and Nobles and on her author's websites.

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