A Letter to God
by Jessica Gerald

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
(1 Peter 5:7)

Tonight I typed a letter to God. I didn't really ask for anything, I just unloaded on him. There are a lot of things that bother me right now. I don't have answers for them, and I can't fix these situations. None of them are my fault, and they are all pretty much out of my control.

So I took God up on his invitation to cast these anxieties on him. I told him all of my troubles. I wrote him a letter for two reasons. First, it helped me to focus on each concern so it wasn't floating around somewhere in my mind as a worry. Secondly, a letter was conversational. I wrote it as if I was writing an email to a trusted friend.

I think that's what this scripture means: We can't always solve our problems, but God can. They are too heavy for us to carry alone, so he invites us to unload them on him. He not only is willing and able to carry the load, but he has power to answer each concern in the best possible way.

Jessica Gerald has been an elementary school teacher for over thirty years, and is the publisher of the website http://www.oldfashionedhomemaking.com.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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