The Poem....
by Shannon Heiden

It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishment the scroll. I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul'
English poet William Ernest Henley~

Beautiful One, recently the movie Invictus came out. This movie is about Nelson Mandela the President of South Africa who was imprisoned for almost thirty years. Thirty years! He hadn't committed a crime, he was not violent, nor unjust. He simply believed in what he said, and was willing to take a stand. But, that stand cost him dearly. That stand landed him locked up behind bars for the better part of his life. Or, did it?

What could have destroyed this great man, actually made a good man, an even better man, and an even greater leader.

How is this possible?

Early on, Mandela made the decision that although his body was locked up, there was something he possessed that no one could touch. It had no chains, not one single bar encased his most powerful ally; his mind.

Today, as well as in times past, two kinds of people are imprisoned. Those who deserve to be, and those who don't.

Plain and simple.

Beautiful One, there are so many people who are paying heavy, because they carried life too lightly. For whatever reason they forgot life was beautiful, and meant to have meaning. Maybe no one bothered to love, teach, and guide them. They grew up embittered and calloused, and sought payback on the streets.

Which among those in chains now, valued back then, the truth that actions do have consequences? How many wasted their youth, fooling around, playing by the fire only to get burned? What about the true victims of prison life- the innocent ones? Yet, no one believed them, and were unfortunate enough to be unable to prove it.

How do we neglect noticing the millions of people who are forgotten, abused, and often killed because of unjust rulers, and crooked systems? They are serving time like Mandela for a crime they didn't commit.

But whether or not one is innocent or guilty, the fact remains that they are in prison. And, if they are there, if this is the page life has turned on them, a choice lies before each of them. Will I get better, or conform and grow bitter? Will I learn from my mistakes, or be the fool who makes it again? Will I allow the unjust to rob me of my integrity, and steal the one thing I do have left?

It's so easy to define these souls, by their actions. But, the truth is there are many who are so regretful. Once that steel door shuts, and the lights go out, the reality of their freedom fades away. Many are remorseful, and even weep beneath the darkness that covers them. There is no doubt in my mind, that once faced with the consequences of their actions, the weight is almost to much to bear.

Knowing how they took life for granted is one thing, but knowing that their children, and families will now suffer alongside them, I honestly just cannot imagine how that must feel. It's as if another sentence was imposed on them, one that time can never serve.

Some may not care, selfish and self centered, they will not change. But there are more than we know, who would love to reverse the pages of time and have the chance to do it over again, right!

Beautiful One, you don't have to be locked up physically to be locked up. If your mind is not free, then how can your body fellowship in freedom? Likewise, you can be locked up like Mandela, and be freer than most who live outside in the world.

One of the most profound scenes in the movie is when Mandela shares with a young man what got him through those dark days in prison. He made the statement that "a poem" helped him stand, when all he wanted to do was lie down."

A simple poem. Words, ink on paper, helped sustain a man who watched days bleed into years. Words that he rehearsed in his mind, day after day, until he believed what he heard.

When the unjust actions of ourselves or others have lead the way in our lives, we need to goto the one thing that can sustain us. Words, ink on paper, you know what I'm talking about; the Word of God!

It is written; "that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." (Mathew 4:4 NIV) It is also written; "Do not lean on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge him, (the ONE true God) and He shall make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:56 NIV)

Beautiful One, no matter what imprisons you, you can be free! Maybe some of us have had to learn the hard way. Maybe some of us are locked up because we acted a fool, but so what! We all act a fool. Nelson Mandela didn't allow a wrong, to keep him in chains. Eventually, his body followed where his mind already was. He finally tasted freedom. Victim, never. Victorious, he was all along.
It's never too late to turn around, even in a cell. Your never too old to learn a simple truth. And your never freer then when Gods poem, means more to you than your daily bread!

We cannot change what happened yesterday. We cannot wipe away the mistakes of today, but let it be said of us, like Mandela;

"It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishment the scroll. I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul'

Beautiful One, just believe, and you will never know God is all you need, until God is all you have!

Shannon Heiden
[email protected]

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