Four Things God Does
by Jerry Ousley

I am a very systematic person. Really I'm probably too systematic. For instance, when I empty my pockets at the end of the day each item I carry goes in a certain place. Now there is a reason for this. You see, for a good many years I was always the first person up in our household. That meant that after I finished getting ready for the day and I was ready to reload my pockets I had to do it in the dark. Knowing where everything was kept down a lot of noise. But it came to the point that I even stacked my coins together heads up. That was a bit over the top because in the dark it would require me feeling each coin to be sure that it was heads up. I didn't go to that extreme.

One morning my wife and kids had played a trick on me. Because I was usually the first one up I was also usually the first to go to bed. They caught me asleep and quietly went in the room and rearranged all my things. It was really interesting the next morning. The day finally came when they got me an organizer so it was easier to put everything in the proper place.

I also have a daily routine which I won't go into great detail about because I'd like for you to read to the rest of this article. However, this routine includes making coffee, feeding the cats, getting ready and taking out the trash, to name a few things. I do it every morning seven days a week in the same order. If by chance Deb gets up before me and completes some of these tasks, trying to be helpful, I get all frustrated because I'm not sure what to do first and what to do next. I know it's a curse I think. The point is there are certain things I do routinely.

In Exodus 2:23-25 we are told four things that God does. Now I'm not going to limit Him to a routine because God is unlimited and not locked in like I am. In a nut shell the people of Israel had been enslaved by the Egyptians and in effort to keep their population down they were under strict orders regarding their children. Their lives were controlled by these cruel taskmasters. They cried out to God and the Bible tells us that He heard their cries, remembered His promise to Abraham, looked upon them in their distress and acted upon the situation.

Again, I can't limit God to doing things in a certain order because He knows best in each and every case for each and every person. But when we are in distress, whether it may be sickness, financial problems, persecution or whatever our case may be, God will do these things for us.

First He will hear us. He hears each and every prayer of His children. When you cry out to God He will hear. It may not seem like it. Sometimes, as in the case of Israel (remember it was four hundred years before their answer came) He may delay action only because He has a plan. But He will come to our aid in just the right time that is best for our situation.

Second, He will remember. He has made promises throughout His word and let me tell you from experience, He does not go back on a single one. He will grant His promises. Actually God doesn't forget a thing. When the Bible tells us that He remembers what is really happening is that He is beginning to act on the appropriate promise for each of us.

Thirdly He will look upon us. He sees us right where we are. He knows exactly what our situation is. Don't fear and don't be despondent because He has seen everything. He knows what you are going through. He isn't ignoring you waiting for you to make some big sacrifice. When the time is right He will take care of you.

Finally, God will do something about it. He answers all our prayers. Of course sometimes His answer may be "no," but even then it isn't because He wants to withhold from us but because He knows what is the best answer for us. Guess what; when He does answer it will be exactly what we need and when we need it! Yes sir, God will hear us, remember us, look upon us and do something for us, just wait and see.

Jerry D. Ousley is the author of ?Soul Challenge?, ?Soul Journey?, ?Ordeal?, ?The Spirit Bread Daily Devotional and his first novel ?The Shoe Tree.?  Visit our website at to download these and more completely free of charge.

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