Kite In The Wind
by Jacquelyn Horne

"Mommy," said six-year-old Kevin as he watched his new kite soar, "what makes the kite stay up there? Why doesn't it fall?"

"God does," his mother replied.

"But how does he do it?" Kevin wanted to know.

"When God created the earth, Kevin, he also created the wind. The wind is what keeps the kite up there," his mother explained.

Kevin thought about that for awhile as he held onto the string that made sure his kite did not get away from him. This is "awesome" he thought, running along the grass as the kite moved along in the wind.

"Mommy," Kevin said curiously, "why did God make the wind?"

His mother thought about this for awhile and then said, "Well, Kevin, one reason, I'm sure, is so the beautiful birds he had created would be able to fly. Birds use the wind currents to fly just like your kite is using the wind currents to soar."

Kevin thought about this. He thought his mommy sure was smart. He thought God must really be big to create all this.

While Kevin was thinking about all this, his kite began to fall. He ran to keep it out of the trees and tried to get it to lift into the wind again. But he was too late. His kite became tangled in the branches of the tree, and Kevin began to cry as he saw the torn and battered kite hanging loosely from the branches.

"Mommy," Kevin cried. "Why did God do that?"

His mother could only think of the time the disciples were in the boat and the winds battered the ship. God had allowed it. Why?

She told the story to Kevin and then remarked, "Sometimes God wants us to know that he is in charge of everything. Just like he controlled the wind in the storm, he controls the wind today, Kevin. Perhaps he wanted you to know that he is in control."

"But what about my Kite?" Kevin cried. "It's ruined!"

"We can get another kite, Kevin," mother sweetly said, drying his tears with her skirt. "But there will never be another God as awesome as our God. Perhaps God wanted to show you that."

Kevin wanted to understand about God. He tried to stop the flow of tears and make his mother proud, but they just wouldn't go away. Not, at least, until he saw his mother wave to the ice cream truck that was playing circus music as it came around the corner...


Jacquelyn Horne is a former newspaper reporter who has won various awards including two Delaware School Bell awards. She has poems and articles published in magazines and Christian publications. She moved from Delaware to central Georgia 13 years ago.

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