The Very Bottom Line of Human Existence
by Jack Vorster

You are a spiritual being covered by a body of God-processed clay.

Your body's main function is to be in good health for the purpose of expressing the life of the spiritual person within. To maintain this health the body needs energy generated by the intake of good nutritional food.

Furthermore, your body is spirit-powered to carry out vital body maintenance operations by means of all the organs within the body. One of these organs, the brain, oversees these operations. Brain damage (caused by strokes, accidents, disease etc) can bring about malfunctions in the body.

Your spirit has a heart filled with Earth-attained knowledge, emotions and a memory storage bank of everything you have ever experienced including what you have ever thought, said and done. And anchored within your heart, God-instilled talent, individuality and purpose are waiting to be utilised.

Deep within the heart of your spirit you possess a consciousness of the fact that you are a living creature. This is your soul. It is in constant remembrance of what you are and have become as a human creature. Your soul has a perpetual hunger for truth. Depending on your choices in life, your soul can be saved or lost for eternity.

The entire content of the heart of your spirit is known as your word. This is your identity. The world judges you by your word, for you and your word are one. Everything you say or do is based on your knowledge and experiences, your inborn talent and your purpose in life. And depending on the moral condition of your heart, your word can be used for constructive or destructive purposes.

Your word is also known as your book of life. You add new chapters to it daily. Once the book is fully written, that is, when your life on Earth comes to an end, the book will undergo the test of fire. What remains (if anything) will determine your eternal destiny.

The "chief executive officer" of the heart of your spirit is your mind. It takes the word of your heart, deliberates over it and then decides how to deliver it to the world. Your brain is on standby to your mind to move that mouth of yours (no offence) accordingly. Those little conversations you have with yourself are nothing more than your mind having a "chat" with your heart. Perhaps something like, "Let's see now, should it be revenge through vindictive behaviour or should it be kindness in order to heal the situation and perhaps gain a new friend?"

Every human spirit is a free moral agent. Your choices in life can translate into either good or bad consequences. Once you are familiar with the source of your existence and the fact that your existence serves the purpose of fulfilling God's purpose for your life, then you will have no excuse for using your free will to contradict the rules of engagement with the Supreme and Sovereign Creator and Ruler of the Universe.

Your physical body exists for the sake of your spirit and your spirit exists for the pleasure of God. We should take very good care of both.

Everything in existence came into being through faith by the Word of God. We have a good measure of that same faith waiting for our own word to bring it to substance. Fear is the opposite of faith and does not come from God. Fear is just as powerful as faith when it comes to delivering the goods. However, the payment it demands for services rendered is marked by destruction and even death. Once you know that the spirit of fear has been dealt a death blow you will close the lid on its coffin and fly on the wings of faith.

Freedom has come to the spirit of man. The Truth has set us free. There is no need to join all the liberation movements dished up by the spirit of the world. They are all laced with fear and false agendas designed to further prolong the agony of mankind.

The knowledge of Truth and the faith that comes with it serve up spiritual and physical health. Have you aligned yourself with it yet? Know that only once you do will there be total deliverance and lasting freedom. What is more, your book of life will undergo a complete edit past and future.

Now retired, Jack Vorster has a background in marketing in the field of newspaper advertising. As a result of a life-changing experience he turned his attention to the study of the human make-up and the realities connected to human behaviour based on the Word of God. 

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