The Co-Pilot
by Duane Huffstutler

I have seen for many years the bumper sticker God is my Co-Pilot. Here in the last few years I have started to see the signs saying if God is your Co-Pilot change seats. That is a good idea but it won't work. When God created man he created him with a free will meaning that if man wants to live for God he will do whatever he can to help him. But if man wants to live for Satan and this world God won't stop him.
Let me lay out the job of the pilot. Someone determines that there is a mission that needs to be accomplished. In this mission you receive the orders for where the mission will start and where it will end and what it is that you must accomplish along the route. The Pilot then plots the course that he feels is the best route for the mission in order to accomplish the mission in the best way possible. The co-pilot then does whatever the pilot requests him to do. The co-pilot may be requested to fly along a predetermined course so the pilot can plot course corrections along the way, or he may be asked to tune the radio to another frequency to contact the new control tower. The co-pilot's job is to assist the pilot in whatever way necessary. The Pilot has the ultimate responsibility for the mission and the aircraft. Good or bad no matter what happens the Pilot is responsible.
Now let me lay this out in terms that Christians should understand. Before we are born God determines just what he wants us to accomplish in this mission called life. As we grow up he attempts to place things in our path to show us how to plot the course to accomplish the plans that God has for us. When we get old enough to know right from wrong we then must plot the course for the rest of our life. God sends the Holy Spirit to help guide us but we have the ultimate responsibility to decide which direction that we are going. With God giving us the free will if we decide to go in a direction away from the intended mission God cannot stop us because he gave his word and he will not break his word no matter what. God places Christians in our path giving us the opportunity to choose to serve him. This is what is called a mid-course correction where we must decide if we are going to line up with what the control tower the Holy Spirit is telling us to do or not. If we line up and accept Jesus Christ as our personal saviour then everything is fine. If we refuse to follow the directions from the control tower the Holy Spirit the control tower the Holy Spirit will continue to tell us to make the change but he cannot force us he can just plead with us and inform us as to the danger we are flying into. At this point we are responsible for everything that happens from that point forward. The tower will attempt to get you to do anything to show them that you are hearing them. If you fail to respond they will even send another airplane up to find you and check to see if you are ok, and try to figure out why you refuse to respond to their request. The tower the Holy Spirit will continue to contact you and tell you until you are out of their control space. At that time they will contact the next control tower and tell them all about the situation as far as they know it. The next tower will then pick up control and attempt to get you to do anything to show that you are hearing them.
In this life we only have 2 control towers the Holy Spirit and Satan. If you fail to respond to the Holy Spirit he will continue to try to contact you and get you to follow his instructions until you are out of his control then he has no choice but to turn you over to Satan's control. We don't know where that control point is, only God does and he leaves the responses up to you. Will you follow him and the Direction of the Holy spirit or will you reject his requests and fly into Satan's controlthe choice is yours and God will not force you because as I said earlier he gave us a free will and he will not go against his word. It is now your responsibility you are fully responsible for everything that happens during your flight, the flight of your life. What are you going to do?

Duane L. Huffstutler, Written  2011,
  Duane L. Huffstutler is the Sunday School Director at Oak Grove Pentecostal Ministries in Bonifay Florida. All scripture is from the King James Version (1611)

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