Home Town Harvest
by Duane Huffstutler

Matt 9:37-38 37 Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; 38 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. (KJV)

This verse is usually looked at as the call to the mission field. I am not going to change that I am just going to give you something to think about. But you say I am not called to go to the mission field and even if I were called I can't go now because of my obligations I have right here. That is ok because not everyone is called to go to the mission field, but we so many times forget that there is a mission field right here in our own back yard.
There are many people all around us that are willing and desiring to know someone that can help them in this time of trouble. There are people that are looking for the answer to the hard times that they are going through. But we just go about our lives just as though everything was ok without ever talking to them about the answer that they are looking for. How many times do you have the feeling that I need to talk to that person about a certain situation that you see them going through but keep putting it off and they never ask you about it? How many times do you go through a situation and grumble and complain about it the entire time that you are going through it? What kind of example are you giving to the unsaved person that is watching you? The example that you are showing them is not one of being able to depend on the designer and creator of the universe. Why should they come to the Lord you serve if he can't handle the things that you are going through? We need to pray and ask the Lord to show us what the problem is within ourselves and help us to fix the problem so that we will be able to help those around us.
We say that we pray and pray and nothing ever changes. Let's take a look at this thing prayer and see why things never change. First of all: When we pray do we listen for the Lord to answer the prayer then do what he is telling us to do? Or are we too busy to wait for the answer? What is prayer? Prayer is a time when we are not physically working, but we are working in the spirit. Prayer is a time when we physically give up and show our dependence on the Lord Jesus Christ. When it comes to this life God doesn't expect us to have all the answers he expects us to lean on or depend on him and let him handle the situations. So when we get into a hard situation lean on him, depend on him and let him bring the answer. The more we try to fix the situation and refuse to depend on God the worse the situation is going to become because God is trying to get us to understand his reasoning that he just wants us to depend on him or trust in him. When we get this part fixed then God will answer the part about sending laborers into the field for the harvest. You ask what do you mean then he will send laborers into the harvest? When we get to the point that we will depend on God then the situations will not be as demanding on us and God's glory will be able to shine through us and people will be able to see that there is something about us and start coming to us for some of the answers. They will see that there is something to this God we talk about and see that they maybe could use his help also. At that point then God will start to use you in this mission field in your own backyard and fulfill that part of the calling that he has on your life. God doesn't call people to the different jobs that he has that need to be done; he calls them to himself and then works situations to get you to do whatever needs to be done where you are. You may not be a missionary or an evangelist but he may set up the situation that gets you to talk to others about what he has done for you and fulfill the home missions call in that way. The most amazing part of it is that you never even realized that you were in a mission field but you did the work of a missionary. God may start with you talking about what he has done for you, and then advance to lifting Christ up by telling folks about what he did while he was on earth. We need to tell them what he is doing now, what he did back then and what he can do for them today. Speak the Gospel of Jesus Christ not the Gospel according to whomever. Jesus said if I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me. Sometimes you have to show them what he is still doing today but then you have to show them also what he did 2000 years ago.
You are on a mission field and you are the laborer will you pray that God will use you in this hometown mission field. Will you pray that God will bring you to the point that Jesus will shine through you? Can God use you?

Duane L. Huffstutler, Written  2011, Faithwriters.com
  Duane L. Huffstutler is the Sunday School Director at Oak Grove Pentecostal Ministries in Bonifay Florida. All scripture is from the King James Version (1611)

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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