The "E" Files: Extraordinary Living
by Shannon Heiden

The "E" Files...

Extraordinary; beyond what is usual, ordinary or regular; exceptional in character.

Beautiful One, have you ever wondered what made certain people extraordinary? Do these people have a special formula? When the gifting's were handed out, did we get the memo? Or, have these people simply gone the extra mile to get a step ahead of others? Sometimes it is easy to see what others have accomplished, and perceive their inherent greatness, but often times, we forget to stop and rewind a few chapters and see all of the obstacles and challenges one has had to face in order to get where they are.

Extraordinary people will have extraordinary problems. Just look at the people God used over the pages of time in the Bible. Each was exceptional in their efforts and victories. But take a closer look and one can see that each of these people faced insurmountable trials and troubles. Gideon, king David, the Apostle Paul, and even Jesus, all had extraordinary experiences...

Maybe the extraordinary thing about each of them, was they simply did not allow their circumstances to define who they were. Each one faced trials and tribulations. Each were called and chosen by God for a specific purpose, and each one at one time or another wanted to give up.

But they didn't.

It is simply extraordinary to not give up, to take the bruises, and the lumps, falling down, yet getting right back up, irregardless of feelings or circumstances.

Beautiful One, upon facing a New Year, maybe we too can aim for the extraordinary. Maybe we can start taking steps in doing something small in our daily life, that will end in big results. No matter how lofty or humble our ideas are, we can start today becoming an extraordinary person. It is not about how we feel because as you may already know, feelings are fleeting. One day they're your friend, the next your worst foe.

As children of God it is our right to become all that God has intended us to be. That may provoke us to excitement, and be our very hearts desire, but, the process is another story. There is work, and more work involved in being a step ahead of others. It's not about esteeming ourselves above another, but holding ourselves to a higher standard, higher than we hold others to.
As children of God, we are already extraordinary. It is within our DNA, and once we accept this as a personal truth in our hearts, our actions will become increasingly aligned with our beliefs.

Beautiful One, isn't it interesting that one of the definitions for extraordinary is to be exceptional in character? When was the last time you encountered someone who was exceptional in character? Maybe if we are fortunate we can say that about someone we may know, but upon learning this definition, I can admit, as hard as I may try, I can do a whole lot better. There is always room for improvement.

What small thing can we do today to be extraordinary? Does something resonate within your heart? Maybe we can keep our word more, or our commitments, say we're sorry more, even if the fault is not all of our own. Maybe we can reach out to someone we're distant to.

There is something each of us can do starting today to go beyond the usual. If so, do it. Don't question it, just do it, just for today. And when tomorrow comes, continue to do it again. Start small, then build upon it. Before we know it, our actions will become our habits and good ones at that. Maybe somewhere along our way, someone else will be able to say, there's something extraordinary about us!

But even if they don't, even if no one cheers for us, at least we know in your our hearts that we are starting to purposefully align ourselves with the extraordinary, exceptional people God created us to be! With our spirits filled with excellence may this New Year be one of our best years yet! Let's be the one that stands a head taller than the rest!

Let's be Extraordinary!

For the next month we are going to explore the "E" files. The words Excellence, Exceptional, and Extraordinary will become more than words that we just say. The "E" files will become the essence of who we are-


Beautiful One, just believe!

Shannon Heiden
[email protected]

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