The "E' Files: Exceptional Living
by Shannon Heiden

Now Daniel so distinguished himself among the administrators and the satraps by his exceptional qualities that the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom.(Daniel 6:3 NIV)

Beautiful One, have you ever been known for something exceptional? Have you and the word even made it into the same sentence? Do we really understand what the word exceptional even means?

It is an interesting thing people do. We talk a lot, and a lot of what we say we don't comprehend. We are hardwired to regurgitate what we have heard others say. Upon investigating my own vocabulary, I was pretty amazed to discover and unearth the nuggets I absolutely had no idea were there.

Exceptional: better than average : superior, deviating from the norm. Exceptional also means being excellent, something wonderful.

Beautiful one, in a world that screams conform to the norm by day, and whispers disingenuous lies at night, how can we become exceptional? The hard truth is, there is a lot of thought and care that first must be wrestled with in the recesses of our minds. For some of us, it might take a lot of care and attention because we are so conditioned to focus on others, and the cares of this world, that we miss the opportunities that desire to well up from the inside of us and materialize on the outside.

We are the masters of our fate. In other words, we have been given power from God, to live out a life that is exceptional. Everyday, despite circumstances, we have the choice to be better than average. And, it is a choice. It is possible to deviate from the norm, and break off into something that goes above and beyond what we expect from ourselves and others.

Expectation plays a huge part in our life. We get what we expect, if we don't think we are capable of achieving something, than most likely we wont even try and therefore null and void our opportunity to get the cards rolling in our favor. We will receive nothing, because nothing was ever done to begin with. Even if we try and fail, no matter how big or small, God loves a willing heart, and in order to be willing, we also have to be active.

Take our work for instance. For some, it might simply be an exceptional thing deviating from the norm of complaining. Maybe we could do more than is required of us, and doing it when no one is looking!

How about our relationships? How wonderful it would be to esteem another with excellence, showering them with affectionate words that will build them up, instead of tearing them down. Lending our ears more than our opinions, and actually taking the time to show someone else that they are valued and worthy. What an exceptional thing it would be to forgive on the spot, and return genuine kindness for an unpleasantry.

Beautiful One, the Bible says that Daniel so distinguished himself, that it not only got him noticed, but rewarded.

Did Daniel distinguish himself for the applause of others? Actually no, Daniel happened to be the same consistent man, both day and night. In a crowd or alone by himself, Daniel was exceptional and only for an audience of One.

God himself.

So what exceptional qualities did Daniel possess? Being fearless was one, he didn't allow others opinions to sway him. Staying true to his ideals and beliefs. When people succumbed to the pressure of adversity, Daniel stood his ground.
Even in the face of death, Daniel remained faithful to what he knew was right and true. Prayer and worship never left his side. Daniel was a leader and follower to none. He deviated from the norm, and not only was he admired for these qualities, he was going to be rewarded big time.

Beautiful One, today, let's deviate from "our norm." Let's go beyond the usual efforts we normally make. What can we do to get out of our boxes? But you may say, we like our boxes, even if we are scrunched up, it's safe, and we know it well.

Sometimes the fear of failure, rejection or the fear of the unknown can seem harder to face than our reality. But, so what! No one who is exceptional is ever comfortable anyway. Conformity is comfortable, but exceeding even our own expectations would be a wonderful thing to experience.

Not only would it be wonderful, but it is possible, so let's start today!

Let's Be Exceptional!

Beautiful One, just believe!

Shannon Heiden
[email protected]

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