John Calvin
by Henry Bechthold

John Calvin is the author of the predestination doctrine known as Calvinism, which uses the acronym of "TULIP" to convey the five basic tenets of this dogma. In another article titled, "Calvinism Predestination", I present dozens of scriptures that thoroughly refute this teaching. What is Calvin's "TULIP" doctrine? As previously mentioned, it uses the five letters in the word tulip as an acronym to convey the following teaching:

T - Total Depravity of Man
U - Unconditional Election by God
L - Limited Atonement
I - Irresistible Grace
P - Perseverance

What does it all mean? Calvin's "T" in his TULIP doctrine teaches that man is totally depraved, which is, in fact, biblically accurate. However, the "U" in his TULIP declares that God predestines individuals for heaven or hell through an unconditional election process. In other words, God chooses to create some people who are predestined to go to heaven, and He chooses to create some people who are predestined to go to hell; moreover, the people themselves have no choice in the matter.

The TULIP doctrine's "L" teaches that Jesus only provided a limited atonement, because, according to Calvinists, He did not die for everyone, but only for those He had predestined for heaven. And, the "I" in Calvin's tulip professes that God has irresistible grace. Therefore, if God chose you for heaven, you are going whether you like it or not. Once again, you have no freedom of choice in the matter, because you are preprogrammed, so to speak. As with the "unconditional election" teaching, both of these tenets of Calvinism are also unbiblical. Finally, the "P" in the Calvinist TULIP says that you must persevere, which is biblically accurate.

So, the "T" and the "P" in Calvin's TULIP doctrine are in accordance with Scripture, but the "U","L" and "I" contradict the overwhelming weight of biblical evidence, and also malign God's character. It may be just a coincidence, but it is interesting that the letters of the three false tenets of Calvinism's TULIP that malign God's character, "ULI", would be pronounced as, "you lie". And, the dozens of scriptures listed in my "Calvinism Predestination" article do indeed prove that this doctrine is speaking lies about our Heavenly Father's and Lord Jesus Christ's character. Consider the following illustration.

What would you think of the ruler of a nation who made the arbitrary decree that all people with the AIDS disease must be killed; furthermore, he forced all the nurses, doctors and hospital staff throughout his nation to inject multitudes of predetermined babies with the AIDS virus? How would you view that ruler years later, as he put every child to death who developed AIDS from the injections that he had given them? I am sure that all would agree that he was a cruel and evil man. After all, how could he punish people for something he had caused, and which they could not change or avoid? There would certainly be unanimous agreement, that those who were killed for contracting AIDS were actually victims of a cruel experiment for the sadistic pleasure of an evil monarch.

Calvinism, in effect, turns God into an evil ruler similar to the one in my illustration. The evil ruler said that all with AIDS must die; then he injected chosen ones with the disease, and put them to death as they manifested the disease. Calvinism presents God as choosing to create most people, (I will explain the "most" reference later), with an unavoidable existence filled with hellish desires, interests, inclinations and behavior; then, their God sentences them to the hell fire when they manifest these hellish characteristics and behavior. Why should we be surprised that so many reject God, when He is presented in such a manner?

This "TULIP" predestination doctrine becomes even more offensive when you realize that, according to Jesus Himself, the vast majority of people will be going to hell. He said in Mathew 7:13-14 that only a few would go through the narrow gate leading to life, whereas many would go through the wide gate leading to destruction. Therefore, Calvinists are teaching that God predestines the vast majority of people that He creates, to go to hell, which, according to Calvinist theology, will be a place where these "unchosen ones" will eternally suffer such agony and torment that it causes people to wail and gnash their teeth.

Calvinist theologians tell us that God does this in order to demonstrate His justice, via punishing wickedness, to those "chosen ones" who will be saved. Isn't that special! The Calvinists' loving God tortures the vast majority of people, so that a small minority can see His justice. Anyone who tortures large numbers of people, who have no opportunity to avoid the torture, in order to demonstrate something to a small group of people, is not demonstrating justice, but rather injustice.

Many Calvinists also try to convince us that their TULIP predestination doctrine actually demonstrates God's love in a more profound and perfect manner. They say that His act of choosing certain people to be saved before they were born, and without having deserved or earned their special selection by God, is a revelation of God's infinite love that would not be seen without Calvin's TULIP doctrine. That sounds good if you're one of those predestined for heaven. However, if you are one of those predestined for hell, you would certainly have a different opinion. Once again, we must remember that, according to Jesus Himself, many more people are going to hell than to heaven. He said the gate to heaven is narrow and only a few go through it, whereas the gate to hell is wide and many go through it. Therefore, according to the Calvinists, God will be demonstrating His love to the vast majority of people He creates by predestining them to an eternal existence of torment, suffering and agony. I'm sure those multitudes will appreciate that kind of love!

John Calvin's TULIP doctrine contradicts the Bible, as proven beyond the shadow of a doubt in my "Calvinism Predestination" article, and maligns God's character by making Him the author of evil, because the end-result of Calvin's theology is that God is the one responsible for people's evil deeds. This "TULIP" is not a pretty flower. It is also a very dangerous doctrine. Why?

According to this doctrine, everything is decided ahead of time, and we have no "free will" or choice in the matter. God has already predestined who goes to heaven and hell. Therefore, we can't change anything. Certain people are going to heaven or hell regardless of what we do. Consequently, this teaching discourages evangelism, because our evangelistic efforts are indeed meaningless. Every case is predetermined and we can't change it.

This teaching requires us to change the name of our message. How can we call it the gospel or "good news", when it is actually bad news for the majority of people in the world, because it tells them that they have a one-way ticket to hell?

This teaching diminishes the beauty and importance of Christ's sacrifice, because He is no longer unselfishly dying for sins that we chose to commit, and which He had nothing to do with, but rather, He's simply dying for the very sins that He Himself is responsible for. Remember, when you trace Calvinism back to the beginning, God would have predestined Adam and Eve's sin in the Garden of Eden, and, therefore, would ultimately be responsible for sin itself. And, you will soon see that this is exactly what the founder of Calvinism teaches.

If any of my Calvinist friends think that I am exaggerating or unfairly describing their Calvinist predestination doctrine, I ask them to read and consider the following statements made by the father of Calvinism, John Calvin. I forewarn you that the following statements made by John Calvin are both alarming and repulsive.

"By predestination we mean the eternal decree of God, by which He determined with Himself whatever He wished to happen with regard to every man. All men are not created on equal terms, but some are preordained to eternal life, others to eternal damnation; and, accordingly, as each has been created for one or other of those ends, we say that he has been predestined to life or death." (John Calvin, "Institutes of the Christian Religion", iii, xxi, sec. 5, p. 1030-1031)

"Since the arrangement of all things is in the hand of God, since to Him belongs the disposal of life and death, He arranges all things by His sovereign counsel, in such a way that individuals are born, who are doomed from the womb to certain death, and are to glorify Him by their destruction." (John Calvin, "Institutes of the Christian Religion", iii, xxiii, sec. 6, p. 231)

"There is no random power, or agency, or motion in the creatures, who are so governed by the secret counsel of God, that nothing happens but what He has knowingly and willingly decreed the counsels and wills of men are so governed as to move exactly in the course which He has destined." (John Calvin, "Institutes of the Christian Religion", iii, xxiii, secs. 3 & 8, p. 175 & 179)

"God not only foresaw the fall of the first man, and in him the ruin of his posterity; but also at His own pleasure arranged it". (John Calvin, "Institutes of the Christian Religion", iii, xxiii, sec. 7, p. 1063)

"The word hardens, when applied to God in Scripture, means not only permission (as some washy moderators would have it), but also the operation of the wrath of God: for all those external things, which lead to the blinding of the reprobate, are the instruments of His wrath; and Satan himself, who works inwardly with great power, is so far His minister, that he acts not, but by His (God's) command. Paul teaches us, that the ruin of the wicked is not only foreseen by the Lord, but also ordained by His counsel and His will not only the destruction of the wicked is foreknown, but that the wicked themselves have been created for this very end; that they may perish." (John Calvin, "Calvin's New Testament Commentaries", Romans 9:18)

Because John Calvin's teachings about predestination are often so blunt, abrasive, unjust and downright sadistic, many modern Calvinists go to great lengths to "explain them away". However, Calvin's own personal statements speak for themselves.

Calvin specifically stated that we are not all created on equal terms. He plainly declared that some are preordained for eternal life, and others for eternal damnation. John Calvin does not need "contemporary translators" to try to soften his cruel doctrine. Calvin made certain that all could clearly understand the intent and extent of his teaching when he declared that individuals were doomed from the womb; furthermore, that God was glorified by their destruction! I must remind you that the majority of people are going to hell, according to Scripture. Therefore, the inevitable "bottom line" is that John Calvin taught that God is glorified by eternally torturing the majority of people that He creates, in hell. And, remember that Calvin also taught that these eternally tormented multitudes had been arbitrarily doomed from the womb, with no ability or opportunity to avoid their horrid fate! That is true, original and authentic Calvinism straight from the horse's mouth, before having been "doctored up" by modern Calvinist proponents who attempt to soften the blow of hardcore, genuine Calvinism.

As you read these quotes from John Calvin, I'm sure you noticed that Calvin stated that nothing happens without God having knowingly and willingly decreed its occurrence. I ask you to consider the ramifications of that statement. According to John Calvin, everything that has happened in our world has been decreed to occur in accordance with God's knowledge and will. God has willed every event that has taken place, according to Calvin. Therefore, God is responsible for the 9-11 terrorist attack on America. God willed for thousands of people to die in that inferno. God also willed every human genocide that has been conducted by men like Hitler, Stalin, and Saddam Hussein. God has also willed every child abduction, molestation, rape and murder. All of the evil men that committed these horrific acts were mere pawns or stooges whom the God of Christianity used and manipulated to accomplish His will. They were mere puppets helplessly and totally controlled and directed in accordance with the specific will of the "Divine Puppeteer". This is the "bottom line" and end result of true, original Calvinism as taught by John Calvin himself.

Calvinism results in God being ultimately responsible for every evil deed throughout human history. In fact, God is not only responsible, but it actually was His will for sin and evil to exist, according to Calvin. John Calvin stated that God not only foresaw the "fall of man", but that He actually found pleasure in arranging it! In fact, according to Calvin, even Satan's despicable actions are commanded by God! Thus, the devil himself is also just a helpless puppet whose detestable deeds have been totally controlled by the "Divine Puppeteer". True, original Calvinism, as taught by its founder, literally turns God into the devil. The doctrine of Calvinistic predestination is an indictment of our God, and should be an offense to all sincere Christians.

I ask you to ponder the following scenario. The owner of a large youth recreation center, located in a remote and picturesque country area, was widely proclaimed to be a kind, just and loving man by those who knew him. He offered his center to be used by a large group of "troubled teens", numbering about two hundred. The teens ignored the numerous signs that forbid smoking, and started a fire that quickly engulfed the building and blocked all of the exits. The building was several stories high, and had a door that led to the roof, but due to the height of the building and the concrete parking lot that surrounded it, any attempt to jump from the roof would lead to certain death. As the two hundred teens gathered on the roof to avoid the heat and smoke as long as possible, their only hope was an air rescue by this reportedly kind and loving man. The remote country location made it impossible for the nearest city's fire department to arrive in time, but this wealthy owner had a fleet of five helicopters that he used for another "scenic tour" business, and he kept these helicopters in a hangar a few blocks from the youth center. The owner and his four sons were all qualified pilots who lived on the property. As soon as the fire alarms sounded and it was apparent that they would not be able to rescue the teens via the fire exits, the owner and his sons prepared the helicopters to perform an airlift rescue from the roof. Because the helicopters were located just minutes away and were each capable of carrying ten passengers, there was plenty of time to make the four trips to the rooftop necessary to safely rescue all of the two hundred teens. However, after the first trip had been completed, and fifty of the teens were safely on the ground, the owner and his sons parked the helicopters and ceased all rescue operations, leaving the remaining 150 teens to suffer and perish in the fire. When asked why he had only rescued fifty, when he was fully capable of rescuing them all, the owner gave the following reasons. First, he said that the teens that perished had gotten what they deserved for being disobedient to his signs that forbid smoking. Second, he said that, by choosing to save just a small elect group, he would be more profoundly demonstrating his love to the teens whom he had saved, rather than if he had saved everyone. This way the rescued teens would feel even more loved, chosen and special. Third, he said that, by intentionally leaving the 150 teens to perish, it enabled him to also demonstrate his justice to the ones that he had saved. After all, the doomed teens had received their just punishment for their disobedience, and, in the process, the saved teens were allowed to behold the righteous justice of the owner.

Would there be any reasonable and sane person who would agree with this owner's tactics, and who would still declare him to be a kind, just and loving man? Absolutely not! In fact, most people would proclaim him to be a sadistic, unjust and evil tyrant.

However, the scenario that I've just presented is an accurate representation of how Calvinism presents the God of Christianity. Yet, Calvinists expect us to view their god as being kind, just and loving, in spite of His unjust, unloving and sadistic behavior, which, in fact, actually dwarfs the evil conduct of the owner in my illustration. The owner in my story was leaving the teens to die in the smoke and fire, which would only take a period of several minutes. The Calvinist god tortures them relentlessly throughout the trillions of years of eternity. The teens in my illustration had chosen to smoke and endanger themselves, but the Calvinist god causes them to smoke, according to John Calvin. The Calvinist god, in effect, was the one who started the fire, because, as John Calvin taught, everything that happens was decreed by God in accordance with His will. Therefore, if the owner in my story is evil, unjust and sadistic, then the Calvinist god is far more evil, unjust and sadistic. It is completely disingenuous, dishonest and hypocritical to condemn the actions of the owner in my illustration, while simultaneously approving of the actions of the Calvinist god. Hopefully this illustration will have helped to demonstrate and accentuate the injustice and sadistic cruelty that permeates the Calvinist predestination dogma.

I am concluding this article by sharing a different and more appropriate definition for the Calvinists' "TULIP" acronym.

T - Teaching that
U - Undermines the character of a
L - Loving God,
I - Indicting Him for the
P- Problems in this sinful world, because He would be guilty of predestining everything, including all of the evil that was ever done by wicked sinners. And, also indicting God for the agonizing "eternal torment", as Calvinists believe, of billions of people whom He had created and predestined for hell.

For a thorough and detailed presentation of the doctrine of Calvinism, which includes a complete listing of the scriptures on both sides of this doctrine, read my article titled, Calvinism, at my website address listed below.

I am an evangelical, non-denominational, Christian pastor. You can research other interesting and provocative topics at my website:

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