When Good Things Happen To Bad People
by Robert Driskell

There is no end to the many books, papers, videos, etc. available addressing the issue of why bad things happen to good people. It seems like we feel that we are owed an answer as to why things go wrong in our lives. We seem to be calling someone or something into account for the bad stuff we experience. More often than not, God gets the blame. "Where was God when such and such happened to me, why didn't He prevent it?" we shout at the heavens.

Some people claim that God doesn't exist. Others acknowledge that He may or may not be there, but they don't honor, obey, or worship Him. Some look to Him simply as someone who gives them what they want.

However, if things go bad in these people's lives, God becomes the very real focus of all their problems. He becomes the One at whom they shake their fists in frustration or anger. As if they are the center of the universe and these bad things should not be happening to them. As if they were owed a smooth life.

We, as humans, often fail to give thanks to God for the good things we enjoy, but we are quick to be angry at Him when things don't go our way or when something bad happens to us.

God allows calamities and hardships in our lives for several reasons: to show us that we can't control everything, to teach us an important truth, etc. Tragedies show us that there are forces outside of ourselves that act independent of what we want or how we think things should be.

God's Word, the Bible, says that every good thing we have is a gift from God (James 1:17).

How many of us thank God for the good things that happen to us, or the good things we enjoy: each breath we take? The taste of the food we eat? Our wives? Our husbands? The beauty of a flower? How many of us thank Him for our very existence?

The Bible tells us that this unthankful attitude is at the core of mankind's rejection of God:
For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools (Romans 1:21-22 NASB)

They knew in their hearts that God was truly there, but they ignored Him. They thought that everything they had was gained through their own effort. They were self-sufficient. They didn't have to depend on anyone or anything other than themselves. But, in thinking this way, they pushed God out of their lives. This attitude is present in many men and women today.

Every person must choose for themselves:

Either to be self-sufficient, self-centered, and unthankful to Godwhich prevents us having a relationship with Him.

Or, to honor, love, worship, thank, and obey Godleading to a life lived to the fullest and a peace that is unknowable any other way.

It's your decision.

Seeking to introduce people to Jesus Christ and to help them become "transformed by the renewing of their mind."

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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