Think About these Things
by Jack Vorster

God died on the Cross to save us from our CONDITION of sin.

When one is addicted to the enjoyment of activities such as adultery, wife-swapping, unfaithfulness, fornication, divorce, conflict, strife, jealousy, lust, anger, hatred, pride, self-centredness, corruption, greed, revenge and murder, then it is impossible to try and live a life of Godly love when habitually enjoying such activities.

And it is impossible to be happy when being fed by the unhappiness of such activities.

If these are the very things God died to save us from, then why do we continue to try and live by these things?.

When we keep on feeding ourselves with such activities, even the portrayal thereof by others, then the values they represent become imprinted in our mind and spirit and become the very core of our emotions and habits.

We become and remain totally UNHAPPY about everything. It means God died for us in vain and we prefer the unhappiness of our CONDITION of SIN.

If we are DETERMINED to follow such things then we are DETERMINED to be unhappy and miserable.

And where do we find these things? In the soap operas that unhappy people watch day in and day out on television. Although the viewers might not (initially) actually follow similar lifestyles, it is the satisfaction of watching the portrayal of such activities that does the damage and soon leads to emulation. After all, it's the norm as lived out on television for us to enjoy, isn't it? It is known as an act of indoctrination. If a certain swear word is heard often enough, pretty soon it starts forming in our minds and through our lips. Being repetitively subjected to these antics can also invoke suspicion on one's spouse, which can fester until totally unfounded accusations are flung around, culminating in break-ups and divorce.

Satan's favourite people are movie and soap opera scriptwriters. He orchestrates them to perpetuate the idea of "these things" in the face of God and His sacrifice for the human race made in His image. The onslaught upon mankind is relentless and presented through a medium perfectly suited for this purpose. After all, he is known as the god of this world and he has a monopoly on the use of modern technology by which he can manipulate the minds of men and bring about the fulfilment of his agenda the destruction of the souls of men.

What are we to do? The answer is simple. Just sit still and THINK.

Now retired, Jack Vorster has a background in marketing in the field of newspaper advertising. As a result of a life-changing experience he turned his attention to the study of the human make-up and the realities connected to human behaviour based on the Word of God. 

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