Want a Better Life?
by Erin Dijkema

The best first step to a better life is to first do everything to be the first to the top of the ladder of the social life, financial status and entertainment popularity. This step usually involves marrying the perfect spouse who also earns enough money to support a luxurious lifestyle or even better, well equipped and natural at staying home to take care of the house and family. The second step, as I have learned, is to learn to let go. Learn to let of some friends and maybe even some family to follow your strongest desires, people must understand that this is an individualistic world. To be truly happy, some big sacrifices may have to be made. But the third step is most important of them all, after this, the rest just seems to fall right into place snugly; There can be no clear better life steps. The tip is to simply live, learn and follow Gods gentle nudging every step of the way; acknowledge that it is impossible to have a universal ten steps to a better life. So forget the first two steps, I just got them from a few themes of popular movies and TV shows, which is usually peoples first mistakes. The world is a very funny and weird thing, it is very scientific and individualist based but at the same time, the sense of community and faith give it a very firm foundation. The key is to find the balance found in Gods foundation.

When I look around I can see the balance scale working everywhere. Not just in the justice system where justice is always supposed to be equal and guided by the Lady of Justice, but in schools, in friend groups, in workplaces, in politics, in families, even in the weather. To explain, look at politics for an example, each party or place on the Right and Left spectrum is rooted in certain schools of thought and philosophies that guide their beliefs and actions. So, not one aspect of the social world is forgotten, the diversity ensures that domination of one issue held by one party will not happen. Take another example, schools. True some students tend to dominate other groups of students but a school moulded to avoid any discrepancies would only cause the creation of newly observed differences. A school tended and weeded of all giggly cheerleaders would only leave room for another group to overpower and annoy. And the lack of team spirit and after game enrichment would greatly effect the teams playing ambition and the schools drive to watch the games. The explanation is closely related to that of the effect one species becoming extinct or evading in an ecosystem, if the ecosystem is changed, all creatures and plants are affected. A balance of perfection must be found to secure any system or group. But what is perfection?

Lets turn this onto ourselves again. How does this theory of balance apply to our lives? Balance is considered by everyone at any point of their lives. Questions such as, Do I do what people say I should do, give in to peer pressure or do I stick to who I am? Do I work hard each day to earn the maximum amount to enjoy my life or do I enjoy what I do for a living and not worry about finances? These questions we ask ourselves are considering, or should use the word, balance, in their responses. We cannot always go to one extreme or another and stick with it in every circumstance of similar initial feeling, some demand a recalculation of our inner balance. Determining the inner balance is difficult and takes many moments of prayer, pondering and meditation to figure out who we are, in isolation and in the community. Some people are clear in that sense and have achieved a balanced and natural life very easily and quickly, but some need a serious look in the past and the future to see how they react to certain things. Every one is different, which is the beauty of the balance of perfection, everyone has to be different in order to reach and keep all the spectrums balanced and equal in the global community, as well maintain or redeem the goodness in all of them. This is why the worst someone can do is to base their life on following the themes, ideas, perspectives and messages from popular media or even from very influential people, because everyone is meant to be different and take life as they feel it should be taken. So although sometimes popular media and especially influential people have very valuable messages that should perhaps be used, these lessons should always be taken with the balance of the inner perfection in mind. Everything is constantly being placed and taken off this balance scale of life; working for family, money, security, community or experience; listening to family, friends, news, books, self, strangers or co-worker; taking time off to rest , asking for help or sticking with it stubbornly. Consideration is for every circumstance not just for any new kind of experience. Re-evaluating your life and resetting the balance before it topples is all that is recommended in this article, find out who you are first, then rechecking your own inner balance scale every once in awhile to find your perfect self, whom God Himself made.

Written by Erin Dijkema. A recent graduate from Redeemer University College, I have lived most of my life in a small town called Athens,ON. A church participant all my life, I have just recently was blessed to be baptized in His Church. 
 Email: [email protected]

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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