Living Beyond Your Existence
by Steve Countryman

If you are a Christian your life is not your own. It has been bought and paid for with the blood of the cross. Your meaningless existence that was your life before Christ has now changed. You no longer are a creature of darkness but of light. Your existence now carries meaning and purpose with a holy destiny and destination. You are a child of the Most High God! No longer are you a slave to sin but someone who Jesus calls friend. You carry the blessings of God in your life. You are part of God's covenant. You are a representative of the Kingdom of Heaven. You are God's ambassador here on earth to the nations and to the lost. As God's child you carry His power and authority here on earth everywhere you go. You put on the mind of Christ daily and nothing can separate you from the love of God. When you pray you have direct access to the creator of the universe and God hears YOU! You have God's seed in you that releases great expectations in your life which enables you to live beyond your existence.

So the question is why? Why do some Christians live only in their little existence? Why do some Christians try to squeak by in their daily routines hoping that if they keep to themselves that nothing will bother them or "touch" them? Why are some Christians willing to compromise away their beliefs and morals for the sake of political correctness, tolerance and diversity? Why do some Christians blindly follow what one person or pastor says without confirming it with the Bible? Why would someone call themselves Christian when they don't even own a Bible let alone read one? Why do some Christians discount what the Bible says when it makes them uncomfortable? Why do some Christians continue to mix sinful ways of this world and sinful lifestyles with their Christianity, ( the Nicolaitans ), and say God "winks at it"? Why are there Christians out there who live in fear of global and national events rather than to trust in God? Why do some Christians put others down for believing the entire Bible when they themselves pick and choose those parts of the Bible that suits them? Why do some Christians pretend to be holy on Sunday and sin up a storm the rest of the week? Why do most Christians act differently in church and around other saints then they do around sinners? Why do some Christians believe what the world tells them and forsake the Gospel? Why do some Christians compare themselves to other Christians rather than to the Bible? Why do some Christians blame others for their failures and problems instead of taking responsibility? Why do some Christians hold on to offenses and grudges then wonder where God is in their lives? Why do some Christians think that being a man pleaser is more important than being a God pleaser?

Who are what defines you? You are more than what the world says you are. You are more than what you job or career is. You are more than what your friends say you are. You are more than what your school or teachers say you are. You are more than the degrees and titles you have. You are more than how much money, homes, property or wealth you have. You are more than the clothes or jewelry you own. You are more than what club or group you belong to. You are more than what your hobbies are. You are more than a sports fanatic. You are more than the car or toys you own. You are more than those you hang around with. You are more than a parent, brother, sister or friend. You are more than any addiction says you are. You are more than your failures, faults and flaws. You are more than your past. You are more than your biggest mistakes. You are more than your weakest areas and moments. You are more than your successes. You are more than any sickness or disease you may have. You are more than the pain you have suffered. You are more than the abuses you have survived. You are more than a victim. You are much, much more than all of these things. "You are more than a conquer." You are a child of the Most High God and only God can define you!

You were not put here on earth to take up space. Your life carries meaning, direction, purpose, destiny with a hope and a future that common sinful man does not have. You influence your surroundings everywhere you go for the kingdom of God. You have the life changing ability in you that is Jesus Christ who is the only one that can change a person's heart. Your existence is important to God who is the lover of your soul. God has chosen you before time began to live and dwell in the here and now during this time and space. You are here to fulfill God's destiny for your life and for God's kingdom. Gideon was the least of the least of Israel but God used him in a mighty powerful and strong way. It is God's seed in you, Jesus, that enables God to do ALL things through you because He strengthens you. Your life is way beyond your daily natural existence for you now walk in the supernatural realm that God has predestined you for.

Because Christ is in you, you are a new creation in Christ. You are in Christ and Christ is in you. You are part of the body of Christ in total alignment, agreement and in unity with each other and Christ. Your existence is now a supernatural, powerful and mighty existence in and through Christ. God has placed in you a higher expectation that you can sense. You know that you are no longer of this world but of His kingdom instead. You live, dwell and travel here but you are a citizen of the Kingdom of God. You answer to a higher authority than any man or any government and His name is Jehovah God. You need to start looking at yourself as a child of the King that you are. Part of God's expectation of you is for you to walk as a child of the King everyday. You need to see that God is made strong in your weaknesses daily. It is not what you can do on your own for God that matters. It is what God WILL do through you because of your faith, love, obedience and submission to God the Father that matters.

You walk in the given, the promises of God. You walk with courage and boldness in your spirit. You walk with all the power and authority of heaven. You walk with all spiritual blessings. You walk with wisdom, knowledge and understanding. You walk in God's paths of righteousness. You walk declaring the Word of the Lord daily. You walk declaring God's promises and blessings in your life and that of your family. You walk as the salt and light of the world. You can do all things through Jesus Christ who is in you for you walk in the Spirit and are led by the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord for all that you do. Thank you, bless you and praise you Father God for what you do to us, in us, with us, for us and through us. Living beyond your existence is knowing who Christ is in you and who you are in Christ! The time is "ripe"!

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