I Will Rise
by Ross Slane

I open my eyes to light that would blind any mortal eyes; perhaps even kill a mortal body with its intensity. My senses are overwhelmed. The noise is so loud as to cause any mortal ear to go deaf instantly. But in this new body I absorb it all in utter amazement. The noise is of angels beyond count joined by the millions of redeemed human souls crying, "Worthy is the Lamb." My soul vibrates with the sound, it causes stars to shake and flicker like candle lights. I look for the source of light, and there in all His glory is the Lamb of God. His glory unveiled to all men for the first time. His appearance is impossible to describe, as the prophet said "it is not lawful for a man to utter." The magnitude of this moment hits me as I cease to hear the hoards around me. I fall to my knees, than to my face as I see the true glory of God. I realize his holiness and glory in a way words could never describe. For a moment I feel afraid, remembering who I am. But instantly I remember that I am forgiven by the blood of this awesome Being in front of me. My heart is filled with a thankfulness so full and joy so impossible. Though I am among a countless multitude of others, He looks at me. And in that gaze I see His love and compassion, we communicate what would have taken centuries of human speech to accomplish. Total bliss. I understand His sacrifice and love in a way I never could with the limitations of mortality. I am overwhelmed with the desire to praise Him. I want nothing more than to shout His praises for the rest of eternity. I look around me to at the others sharing this experience. On every face is a look of amazement, satisfaction, final contentment. The angels, who have experienced this for millennia, are just as much in awe as we. Without putting any thought into it, as natural as breathing, I join in the cries of the saints and angles, "Worthy is the Lamb!" The sound of all creation praising Him brings overwhelming satisfaction to my soul. It is obvious that this is what I was created for.

Ross Slane, a native of central Ohio, is a Junior Pastoral Ministries major at Pensacola Christian College. His dream is to bring the Gospel to unreached areas in Africa.


Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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