trACker number365 Lets Play Head-Over-The-Hills of Life
by Dudley Anderson

trACker number365
The e-Devotional helping to keep you on-track
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01 July 2011

Dear God Tracker

Let's Play Head-Over-The-Hills of Life

I discovered a wonderful little anecdote in one of my sources the other day, part of which I would like to share with you. It's called, "My Resignation as an Adult." I have no idea who wrote it. If you know then please let me know. It goes like this:

"I am hereby officially tendering my resignation as an adult. I have decided I would like to accept the responsibilities of a 5 year old again. I want to go to McDonald's and think that it is a four star restaurant. I want to sail sticks across a fresh mud puddle and make ripples in a pond with stones. I want to think M&Ms are better than money because you can eat them! I want to lie under a big oak tree and watch the ants march up its trunk all day long. I want to roll down the hill in the park on a hot summer's day and sledge down it in winter. I want to go fishing and care more about catching the tadpoles along the shore than the big bass in the lake. I want to think the world is fair and fun. I want to return to a time when life was simple; when all I knew about were colours, multiplication tables, and nursery rhymes. A time when I didn't know what I know now and when all I knew was to be happy because I was blissfully unaware of all the things that should make me worried. I want to believe in the power of smiles, hugs, a kind word, truth, dreams, the imagination, a kiss-that-makes-it-better, making angels in the snow, and that my dad is the strongest person in the whole world. So here's my cheque book and my car keys, my credit cards and all the bills, my stocks and bonds, my collections, my insurance premiums, my pension, my job, my house and the payments, my e-mail address, Facebook account, my iPhone, my iPad , my laptop and my wrist watch. I am officially resigning from adulthood. And if you want to discuss this with me further, you'll have to catch me, 'cause ... Tag! You're it!"

There is a game I loved to play when I was a child, it was called, head-over-hills. Perhaps you played it, too. I would climb up a rise and then roll down it, head-over-hills. At the bottom I would try to stand up but would instantly fall over again, because I was so dizzy. In Galatians 3:13 I read that Jesus has redeemed me from the curse of sin and death by becoming a curse for me. Therefore, in Christ, I have been set free from the curse of sin and the curse of law. In him I have become the head and not the tail. This means that I have victory and freedom over the hills in my life like depression, worry, fear and self-doubt, because the Spirit of life has set me free of the law of sin and death. So I can once again walk in joy and peace with the carefree freedom of a child, because Jesus' yoke is easy and his burden is light.

Dear God Tracker, let's play head-over-the-hills of life by humbling ourselves like little children and walking hand in hand with our Abba Father. After all, my dad is the strongest person in the whole world!

God-tracking is being the head over the hills of life.

Every blessing



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Our hope is that, by sharing experiences in tracking the will of God, we will draw closer to him and discover the awesome value of walking with God. Let us know what you think by e-mailing [email protected] God knows the plans he has for you. So go ahead and track them!

What is trACker?
GodTracker and trACker owe their origins to an international Christian radio programme produced by Dudley Anderson called, OnTrack. Although OnTrack went off-air in 2005, trACker has continued to help people to track God's plans and purposes for their lives since July 2003.

You can now hear Dudley Anderson on UCB UK
Saturdays from 00:00 to 05:00 GMT and Sundays from 06:00 to 12:00 GMT
Listen to UCB UK on DAB, Sky channel 0125 or online at


Verse of the Week

Matthew 18:4
Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Quote of the Week
A Sample of Dudley's Fave Quotes.

"It seems to me, as time goes on, that the only thing that is worth seeking for is to know and to be known by Christ -- a privilege open alone to the childlike, who, with receptivity, guilelessness, and humility, move Godward." --- Charles H. Brent

Don't Give-up, Look-up!
Look-up and Fix Your Eyes On Jesus!

Face My Hills In This World With Strength And Victory

1 John 5:3-4
This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.

"Father God, thank you so much that you came as Jesus Christ to take the curse of sin and death on the cross. Thank you that, if I place my hope in Christ believing that he died and rose again and confessing him as Lord then I am freed from all that separates me from you and free from all the world could throw at me. Today, like a little child, I put my faith in you and trust that you will give me victory over my hardships and difficulties. Today I want to resign from my strife and stress. I love you so much, O Father and I know that your words are not burdensome. So help me to face my hills in this world with strength and victory, in Jesus. Amen."

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Born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa Dudley Anderson began writing for radio in 1994. Dudley currently writes a weekly e-mail Christian motivational thought called GodTracker and has complied 2 devotional books based on GodTracker. More information at 

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