Reclaiming Aromatherapy
by Naomi Ball

I am angry! Have you ever been robbed? How did it make you feel, angry? We have been robbed by the "New Age" religion, and various other third world religions. For example rainbows are considered by some a form of after death communication. Some say it is an omen of good things to come. No, absolutely not. The rainbow was established, long before there was any such thing as New Age, by God as a reminder of His promise to never destroy the earth by flood. I am reclaiming the rainbow; it was created by God in order to glorify Himself!

Crystals have also been stolen. Crystals are used by New Age believers to channel or communicate with spirit guides, to affect emotional and mental stability and promote physical healing. Wrong! Unless you are taking minerals in a vitamin supplement then there is no healing power. It is just a pretty rock and I like pretty rocks! Heaven is paved with pretty rocks.

We have been robbed of the wonderful healing benefits of essential oils. Most of the books you read about aromatherapy are full of New Age philosophies such as astrology, divination, channeling, an all inclusive definition of God, or Higher consciousness etc. The idea of uniting with the universe is so prevalent though out our society that many Christians accept the idea, as is the idea of visualization and mind over matter. And the idea that a plant oil can bring about spiritual healing is nothing but a lie.

I have read in several different books that since aromatherapy is used in the New Age religion we should have nothing to do with it. I disagree! I do agree that it can cause a less mature Christian to be lead astray or for them to put their trust in the created instead of the Creator. But instead of throwing aromatherapy out the window we should take it back from those that stole it! We should learn the truth about essential oils and share what we have learned.

In the beginning God created plants. He was the first aroma therapist and the first herbalist, and the first dietitian for that matter. He created the plants with healing properties, whether the plants are to eat, sniff or drink in tea.

In Exodus chapter 30 God ordered them to mix up a batch of anointing oil to be used in religious ceremonies. In the book of Song of Solomon there are several references to using aromatic oils for romantic purposes. Mary anointed Jesus' feet with aromatic oil. And James recommends calling the elders if you are sick so they can anoint you with oil and pray for you. All this way before any one thought up New Age.

Essential oils are tools, created by God, a precious gift for us to use. All healing comes from God, just as every breath we breathe is a gift from God. Spiritual healing can only come from God by way of Jesus. Only God's forgiveness and love heal our sin sick souls. He loves us and wants us to be healthy and has given us tools to help bring it about. I reclaim aromatherapy for God and I thank Him and praise him for His wonderful kindness!

September 2013 Naomi Ball is a certified aromatherapist and author of "The Aromatherapy Advocate a Christian Handbook" and "The Aromatherapy Advocate Home Study Course", both written from a Christian point of view.

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