by Steve Countryman

"Change isn't change until it is changed!" Change is common in life. Without change no one would grow up, no one would mature, no one would have a selection of clothes and shoes to wear, no one would enjoy any modern inventions like driving cars, riding on trains or planes, using a microwave or a computer. Without change mankind would be no different than other animals on our planet. Change happens in life if you want it to or not. Change can be good and useful. Some change is bad or makes things worst than before. Take Coca-Cola back in the eighties for example. They came out with "New Coke" and took regular or Coke classic off of the shelves totally. That change proved to be one of the biggest mistakes that any company had tried with their product!

Good intentions are decisions that will change something but only if they are acted upon. Just thinking about changing something doesn't get it changed. Planning to change something or even scheduling time to bring about the change won't change anything until it is changed. Most people are fearful of change even when the change is meant for their good. Some will hold onto the past ways, familiar routines and traditions just so they don't have to change. Even to their harm they will not let go for the sake of change. That happens to a lot of Christians who find the way back to a sinful past because of old routines, bad habits/addictions or "friends" who like misery for company. It is necessary to let go or "take off" of the old familiar sinful things, sinful past and sinful friends to "put on the new you". Receiving the change that God has for you will always improve your life and your walk with Father God.

You serve a God who is the God of change. To some that phrase can be confusing. If God is always the same and never changes then how can He be the God of change? The best way that I can explain it is by using the northern star that has been used for centuries to help sailors navigate the oceans. First you must have a point of reference. A point of reference that is rock solid and that doesn't change. A point of reference that you can always find when you need to. They would use the northern star because it would help them pin point their location and help them to find their way to their destination. Without it they would easily get lost. If they got off course or needed to get their bearings they would always search out the northern star to help them change their direction and correct their course. That is what God is He is the northern star that never changes. The old phrase "he is as constant as the northern star" means unchanging.

God is perfect in every way and everything that God does is complete and perfect. No change is ever needed in Him. God is the God of change because of what it takes to get all things in alignment and agreement with God's Kingdom and His Word on earth as it is in heaven. God is at the center and is the rock solid point of reference that we all need to keep us on His course and on God's path.

I recently heard a preacher say something that I have heard others say in the past. That he didn't know why it is that God wants us to pray for those things that we need when He already knows our needs. God has decided to use man to work through here on earth. That being said if we didn't pray for our needs how would we know it was God that answered our prayers? How could we give God the credit and the glory for fixing our problems, delivering us, healing us and providing for us if we didn't pray to Him first? What need for prayer would there be if no one prayed? It is bad enough that we take God for granted and ignore His goodness and blessings most of the time. How much worst would it be if we think that we didn't need to pray? When you pray you are asking God to change something in your life. That you need help with something in your life that needs changing. The act of repenting is to change the way you think, the path you are on or the direction you are headed!

One of the jobs of the Holy Spirit is to change you from glory to glory, the sanctifying process. The Holy Spirit makes you Holy, He makes you worthy and He makes you righteous. The Holy Spirit helps to reshape your heart. New levels of spiritual awareness, super faith and trust, power and authority are all part of God's changes for you. All of God's work in you is by His wonderful grace and love and by nothing that you can do for yourself or earn for yourself. Kingdom change will force you out of your comfort zone. Kingdom change will bring about growth in you. Kingdom change will radically mess with your theology. Kingdom change will boost your faith, courage, boldness and trust. Kingdom change will cause you to view the world differently. Kingdom change will make you a better Christian. So when it comes to change that God has for you it will always be for your own good and for God's kingdom. Things are going to change! Are you ready?!?

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