Mulygrubs Ain't for Christians
by Jerry Ousley

Growing up as a boy I remember a certain Christian gentleman in a church we attended who often referred to times when he was feeling low, discouraged, and like a failure as the "mulygrubs." Now this word isn't exactly found in the dictionary but nearly every believer in Christ will experience it at one time or another.

For example: When we have a day when it seems like everything we touch or do falls apart or fails, and we become depressed or angry about it, we just might be setting ourselves up for the "mulygrubs."

When we can't feel good about winning because we're too busy being concerned about failing and remembering all the times we have failed before, we just might be setting ourselves up for the "mulygrubs."

Or when we compare ourselves to others who are considered to be successful and all we seem to be doing is just getting by and miserably failing, we just might be setting ourselves up for the "mulygrubs."

When we feel like we are in a financial vise that is squeezing every dollar and cent out of us, even though we are really blessed of God, we just might be setting ourselves up for the "mulygrubs."

And finally, when our health seems to be taking a trip south, and we can't do those things we used to do, and we look at the situation as failing, even though there is much left that we can do for the Lord if we'd just look for it, we just might be setting ourselves up for the "mulygrubs."

I'm certain that you can think of other situations that would qualify us for this mental and spiritual disease. It is one that is extremely curable but unless we learn to recognize it for what it really is, it can deplete us both mentally and spiritually.

There are ways to keep from falling into the "mulygrubs" but they only succeed when we recognize what's happening to us and we apply the spiritual ointment to the situation. First of all we must always remember that despite hard times, sickness, failure, depression and financial disaster, God is always a God of victory. In Psalm 98:1 it says, "Oh, sing to the LORD a new song! For He has done marvelous things; His right hand and His holy arm have gained Him the victory." God has never failed. He has always gained the victory. So it stands to reason that if our Father is a God of victory then we, as heirs and His children should also have reason to share in this victory. We need to constantly remind ourselves that as Christians we are children of the One who owns it all. As His heirs He will give to us as we have need but only in His wisdom when He knows it will be in our best interest. We must constantly be aware that no matter our situation we are victors not just when it's all going good and according to our plan but also when the "mulygrubs" are desperately trying to grasp our very soul.

The scripture in Philippians 4:13 which tells us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us is very true. But we usually look at that passage in light of everything going our way. However if you will read the entire context of that verse (Philippians 4:12-14) you will discover that Paul was talking about not just when things go good but also when we experience difficulty, hardship and need. Even in the midst of hunger, pain and persecution still we can do all things through Christ who is our strength!

We also must remember that the passage in Romans 8:28 which tells us that all things work together for our good, not only refers to those good things that may happen to us but in reality to all situations: the good, the bad and the ugly. Further a few verses down, in Romans 8:37 we read that in all these things we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us. Read the full context of this passage (Romans 8:36-39) and you'll discover that all the things in which we are conquerors includes good and nasty things.

When we finally see that success is not measured by wealth, power and fame but by being victorious in Jesus despite what life throws at us then we discover that "mulygrubs" aren't in God's vocabulary. We see that our success is really measured by our obedience to Him. Armed with this knowledge we can chase the "mulygrubs" away and live victoriously in Christ.

Jerry D. Ousley is the author of ?Soul Challenge?, ?Soul Journey?, ?Ordeal?, ?The Spirit Bread Daily Devotional and his first novel ?The Shoe Tree.?  Visit our website at to download these and more completely free of charge.

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