An Artist's Heart
by Cindee Snider Re

To breathe deep and listen
For the symphony of birdsong,
Cadence of crickets,
Subtle percussion of cicadas
And bees and mosquitoes,

To feel the air,
Moist and thick and full,
An enveloping cocoon on a
Sultry summer afternoon,

To glimpse a bee collecting pollen,
Sun-drenched, stained glass
Wings spread wide,
Strong and flexible and
Infinitely beautiful,
Yet free,

To watch a purple cloud
Drop fat summer rain
On cracked and thirsty ground,
A taste, a tease
Enough to wet the petals
Of a sun-kissed daisy,

Moments -- extraordinary
Wrapped in ordinary --
Beauty wrapped in small,

Spirit stirring,
Spilling into word,
Onto brush, into film,
Over marble and wool and
Needle and flour and linen,
Acrylic and oil and clay,

Turning pastels,
Sculpting yarn,
Framing words,
Weaving canvas,
Stringing emotion and color and
Light as beads,

Chords blending,
Layer upon layer,
Stroke by stroke,

Hue and heat and
Shape and shade,
Color and texture and light --

Brief, brilliant points of light
Piercing the night --

Soul captured,
Yet free
Spilled so others may see

Beauty as art
Bursting from
An artist's heart.

Cindee Snider Re lives in Sussex, WI with her husband, their five children, two cats, and two Shichon puppies.  She enjoys quiet evenings, long walks, good books, homeschooling her kids, and lots of good, strong, hot, black tea.
August, 2011

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