Cry For The Unheard
by Oge Maduka

Sad how degenerated the world has become, yet some of us are so unperturbed.
Can we pretend that the world does not surpass our immediate environment?
Do we not know that the world is so small and that we are all one and our brothers' keepers?
Do we not hear in the midst of our presumed comfort, the cries of the deprived souls?

Can we not see the pain and anguish in the eyes of the children who were born into hopelessness.
To a generation of parents who have over the years lost the grace to smile up to the future.
A simple smile, so easily taken for granted.
But how can they smile?
It is nearly impossible! Life has not given them any cause to smile.
They see their children cry and eventually die of hunger.
They watch each day come and go without hope of a better tomorrow, with human compassion gone with the wind.

Oh yes! There seems to be no hope, no food, no water, no clothes and no shelter.
The women and the children have been so violated that the world has become a place known as hell.
They exist in every continent, Africa, Asia, Americas, and Europe...Just name it, they are there in diverse degrees.
All wailing! For the simple, yet evading restoration of human dignity!

They need the very things we rightly take for granted because we have never lacked them.
It's so easy not to understand or pay attention.
But attention we must pay and quickly too!

The men deserve the opportunity to provide food and shelter for their families.
The women deserve the privilege of caring for their families and joyfully watch the children grow in a healthy environment.
The children deserve the carefree innocence that makes a child.
They need to look up to their parents and feel secured.

They deserve the power of being educated and the comfort of stability.
The simple happy luxury of celebrating birthdays.

Where is the dignity of man, if so much indignity still abounds around and within us?
Where is the silent sound of love that usually speaks volumes?
What have we done from our little comfort zones?
To appreciate the voices of the wailing ones.
They are crying for our love. They need our prayers and sacrifices.

We must insist and uphold article 1 of the universal declaration of human rights that;
'All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act toward one another in spirit of brotherhood'.

God help us to always remember the deprived and aggrieved souls around the world. God will help us to show love and charity, even in our little ways because they are part of us.

May we be contributors and source of joy to the faces that have become so sober and solemn.
For that is our primary mandate to humanity.
Thank God for the privilege of being able to help.
The truth is that, it could have been any of us out there.

Yes! So much may have been done but so much still remains.
To quench the agonies told and those yet untold
May we be a caring, giving, and a praying generation.
A generation that operates in deeds.
For action is the language of the needy!

Ogechukwu Maduka is a christain evangelist and a lawyer who loves to write as a means to inspire. A passionate humanitarian and an ardent believer in upholding the digniity of man. She is happily married and blessed with four lovely children. Email: [email protected]

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