The Skinless Family
by Melissa Martin

There once was a man and a woman who belonged to two different ethnic groups. They served different gods; displayed different skin colors; and obeyed different rules, values, attitudes, beliefs. Needless to say, they were bitten by the love-bug, married against their parents' wishes, and gave birth to two children. They were despised because of the color of their skin by the dominant culture and their own ancestors. Ethnic members labeled their children negatively. Society shunned this family because they were different; the children's skin color was a mixture of two cultures; their eyes were diversely shaped; and their body frame appeared small compared to others. Due to experiencing bigotry, prejudice, and discrimination, they decided to become a skinless family.

After multiple surgeries, the skin from their bodies was removed, exposing muscles and tendons. No one could tell the original skin color. The family adopted a myriad of other cultural and religious practices; learned several languages; and experimented with multiple ethnic foods and customs. Social justice and equality became their trademark. Power, prestige, and privilege were abolished. However, they purposely retained many cultural traditions from both sides of their families of origin. Other racial outcasts of society joined the skinless group and membership grew into a small community. The group formed new values, morals, beliefs, and customs. Identity was based on being skinless and therefore against racism and discrimination of all forms and kinds. Tolerance and acceptance danced together in harmony; differences were celebrated.

Because they had no skin, the community decided to relocate to an island where the warm weather whispered year round. After a few hundred years, the skinless culture evolved until the infants were born without skin. The elders, being very protective of the children, had long stopped immigration and visitation to other areas of the world and forbade strangers with skin to visit their covert island. Stories of discrimination and prejudice by the skin culture were passed down through the generations and as a result strangers were feared and avoided.

Nevertheless, it came about that a young skinless chap met and fell in love with a maiden who had skin. The young skinless man found the young woman while boating and fishing in the ocean. Being stranded on a sailboat, he stopped to help her- a maiden in distress. Hiding his skinless body, he began to secretly visit her on the mainland. He decided to present his fianc to his skinless parents. Their reaction angered him. He was told to marry his own kind to avoid racism and discrimination. Nonetheless, he married the woman with skin and moved to the mainland to raise his family.

Their two children, a mixture of skin and no skin, experienced racism and discrimination on the mainland. They moved back to the island of skinless people and his wife and children experienced racism and discrimination. The elders recommended that his wife and children undergo surgery for removal of their skin so they could fit into the skinless culture and avoid racism and discrimination.

The family decided to relocate to another island where they started their own community of people with half skin and half no skin. They wanted a society based on equality, acceptance, and tolerance; a community that didn't discriminate because of skin. The word spread and soon many others traveled to the small island where half their skin was surgically removed. After a few centuries of evolution, infants were born with half skin and half no skin. The elders forbade the youth to travel to the mainland and other islands. They feared for their children as the stories about racism and discrimination were passed down from former generations. People from the skinless island were also avoided, as they were different. Strangers were not permitted to visit the half skin-half skinless society.

It came about that a young man from the half skin-half skinless island by chance met a young woman from the skinless island. Cupid shot the arrow and love blossomed. Both were excommunicated from their island homes and they moved to the mainland. Their children were born with three-fourths of skin and experienced racism and discrimination. The family decided to have surgical skin grafts. They requested multi-colored skin so as to avoid racism. Soon others joined this small community of people with multi-colored skin. To their amazement racism knocked on the door again. The multi-colored skin community moved to a small area of land on the north side of the mainland. They interacted and intermarried members from other cultures in the hopes of ending racism and discrimination.

Nevertheless, the earth continued to rotate, and thousands of years later, the color of skin evolutioned into one color with one shade and the same physical attributes. People of the world spoke a common language and served the same deity and government. It then came about that society was at peace with sameness of skin color, religion, government, and language, but only for a short time. War broke out between the have and the have-nots.

The have-society wanted to keep their power, prestige, and privilege. The have-nots rioted, looted, and destroyed. Civil unrest ruled the globe until the universal militia brought peace and order. Wealth was redistributed to the have-nots and the people of society were renamed to the have-some. But soon the global government and military became the elitists with reigning power supreme. The have-some citizens wanted to become the have-more society. A leader of revolution rose up and conquered the elitists. Many were killed. Governmental power was returned to the have-more society. Global democracy was voted in and reined supreme. In a few hundred years, the globe split into three classes: the have-mores, the have-somes, and the have-nones.

At about this same time, the skin and physical characteristics of people living in different geographical locations on the earth began to change based on nature (e.g., sun, temperature, humidity, the four seasons, nutrition, and genetics). Several skin colors emerged (i.e., purple, green, blue, violet, and so forth). People of the same attributes in the same locations began to congregate together for protection of community. The youth were not allowed to intermarry. Unique languages developed along with new traditions, values, religions, and morals. Discrimination and prejudice arrived and soon reigned supreme. Societies created their own countries and governments to avoid discrimination and prejudice. A global world was not valued.

The story goes that there was a young man from the green society in the eastern part of the globe who fell madly in love with a young woman from the purple society from the western side of the globe. They married and gave birth to two children whose skin was colored both greenish purple. Society, being cruel, and named the children greuples because they looked different. After a few hundred years, the greuple society grew and was discriminated against by both the green and purple societies. Albeit, the green people evolved into the have-mores; the purple people evolved into the have-somes; and the greenish-purple people evolved into the have-nones. For a while peace prevailed because the green have-mores practiced charity among the greenish-purple have-nones and the government instituted entitlement programs for food, shelter, and healthcare.

After a period of time, the green have-mores established a powerful military and created even more technological weapons. The other countries responded in-kind as they feared for their freedom. The green military conquered the greenish-purple military and established a dictatorship. Discrimination and prejudice reigned. Many were killed.

After a few thousand years, the globe was a mixture of multi-colored people under one government. Societies no longer discriminated on the color of skin or the ownership of wealth. Instead two groups evolved; the healthy people and the unhealthy people. Those with physical or mental disabilities suffered from discrimination and prejudice. Youth were not allowed to intermarry.

After a thousand years of scientific discoveries and new technologies, a cure was developed for every disease, mental disorder, and physical disability. Famine was no longer a threat. For a while peace reigned.

Albeit, the globe then divided into two groups of spirituality: the believers of one deity and the believers of multiple deities. Both groups debated and criticized the opposite theology. Youth were not allowed to intermarry. Discrimination and prejudice reigned. Soon war broke out and many died.

A thousand more years passed. The globe consisted of multi-colored healthy people who did not fear famine and all enjoyed prosperity and wealth. Notwithstanding, discrimination and prejudice ran rampant among the sexes. The globe then divided into two groups; males and females. Each society claimed superiority. Two countries were developed. Youth were not allowed to intermarry. The males destroyed the sperm banks. The female society hunted the males in order to harvest their sperm. Time passed and the human race declined as science had not yet succeeded in cloning human beings. Alas, both societies eventually became extinct with a newly created race. Males and females evolved into one sex. Unisex individuals of this new society were able to birth children. The globe was populated with multi-colored, healthy, unisex individuals who did not fear famine. Peace abounded until aliens visited the planet. Then the globe divided into two groups: human beings who were for the aliens and human beings who were against the aliens. War broke out and many died. And so the earth continued to turn

Melissa writes about the God and human connection and condition.

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