The Ambitious Man!

Ambition is an inner crave that burns and springs up within a man; a longing to attain a height-a higher height to prove himself to the world around him and make a statement
Oh, to be applauded and lauded! To be cheered! To be chaired! To be hailed! To be heard! To be read! Self. For self. Oh, pride of life!

Unlike ambition which is self-seeking and even soul-killing, vision is life-giving and soul-saving; it's like a burning light that burns in the paths of life for men to tread on to their destinies

Vision brings direction, transformation, joy for living and keeps hope alive for tomorrow; it imparts a great sense of belonging, purpose and impactful success for living each day
But that is not same with ambition which breeds confusion, segregation, and wars amongst the people who ought to live in the common ground of peace, harmony with serenity and sincerity, each keeping to their own integrity and dignity of socialism and labour among the neighbourhood

Ambition is an ammunition against the beautiful purpose of the Kingdom which could only be established through the selflessness in service which true vision brings

The ambitious man, who is he? The natural man is ambitious! It's a seed imbedded in the nature of man, it carries in it the seeds of selfishness, greediness, envy, hatred and pride These are the elements of ambition that drive the ambitious to strive against all odds, no matter who's hurt or dead in order to see his flaming lusts and urges fulfilled

If not critically examined, Biblicaly confirmed and Spiritually discerned, ambition could be mistaken to be vision But thanks and glory to the Spirit of God who has revealed to us the clear difference between the two

True vision, pure vision born of God is born when a man is born again and thoroughly purged and cleansed by the power and abiding presence of the Holy Spirit, putting off the old nature and putting on the new nature which is renewed after the nature and true holiness and virtues of God in Christ and Christ in us.
When the new man falls back to the old man, his vision becomes ambition; that selfless desire to please God, live for others for Christ slowly and silently fizzle away at times unnoticed like a vapour.

The ambitious man.
He's got brain to make gain for self.
He's got "good" idea to suit his hidden evil thoughts.
His smiles are just on the teeth and lips, not deep down within the heart
He prefers the dark to the bright
He's smart. A lord. He likes to lord over people.
Mr nice guy you may call him, but piercing through and through like a sharpened long fierce looking spear
He's a killer, but pretends to be a healer
He's a breaker,
But pretends to be a maker
He's a builder of his own empire, but the destroyer of other people's vine yard
He's a vampire at heart, but an angel on the face
You won't know him by his teeth, but by his feats
He despises grace and pours scorn at mercy
He delights to take other people's place, and their blessings

Oh, the ambitious man! Cares for none but conscious of self-anxious to see his dready plans prevail!

The ambitious man is consumed with the thoughts of himself and his desires; he thinks more highly of himself than he ought to think- anything it would take for his desires to materialize, he's out for it.
This kills; it works ill to his soul
It sets him on the motion but restless in commotion
Within him there is emptiness
Inside of him is yet to be found fulfillment
Fear of tomorrow has captured his soul
So he pants to grab all he could grab for the day
But this is not fair, not so

Every moment he walks to and fro
From the bed to the ground
With burning passion for his ambition
He craves to be this, this and that
He dreams it! He thinks it! He talks it loud!
His far-fetched desires keep eating him up
His soul mourns when there's no green light
He thinks no one understands him
If you don't support his evil craves, you're against him
He feels the world will soon be his
He sees the ocean dry up because he stepped on it
He craves for power every hour- he needs power!
The power to make all men bow before him
Power to make all maid be at his command
Power to always contest and come out with a win
Power to see his hopes flourish anytime he demands
These are his craves; his inner cries. Oh, the ambitious!
To achieve his ambitions, he hides behind the veil of vision
To attract followers, he appears under the cloak of good future
He promises decency and transparency
But within him are the cankers and moths of deceit and greed
He needs all things for himself
He craves for to be known
His evil aim and end are yet untold
He wants to be seen and so proclaimed
He wants to be esteemed and highly
As a man that rules the world
The cries of self!
For me, myself and I, that's all he cares
It doesn't move him when others are in tears

He's in dire need of success for his flaming lusts and wishes
Whatever needs other people have, he counts as rubbish
Oh! the ambitous!
Lo! how his ambitions have made him brutish
Lo! how his ambitions have made him misrable
Whereas God has for him a purpose so admirable
In the great plan of God, his place is vacant
Unoccupied and yet he feels reluctant
All day long the Lord calls and beckons on him to turn
But his ambitions, his wanna-bes and wanna-haves have made him deaf not to come
Just deaf? He couldn't see the true light; he's blind
He's lost his mind. He's lost his mind. He's lost his mind
Pursueing the shadow and leaving the reality behind
The mundane things of this world which other men threw out away and pursued the God of Heaven and Earth and become great indeed are what this ambitious man dies daily to have!
He pursues them, clings to them with all his heart and with all his might
Woe! Woe! Woe! Poor soul

Oh man, why are you weary and empty?
Why are you restless all day long?
Come to Jesus be made whole
Blessed rest He gives; it's free
Abundant life He bestows; it's true!

I know you crave to be someone great on the face of the earth
I know you want to be force to be reckoned with
Yes, you can be all that God has made you to be, but not by your own strength and self-imposed will
God has your pefect purpose on earth, and it is only by coming to know Him that you will discover your real purpose for living

True purpose for living can only be discoverd in the Lord Jesus Christ
You can only know true fulfillment by living for Jesus with all your heart; it's delightsome and so awesome!

I am a living testimony of that!
I would never have been what God had wanted me to be if I had not come to the intimate knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ

My meeting with Him and receiving Him into my heart really and sincerely, opened me up to His purpose for my life

I now live each day; one day at a time walking in His perfect peace and living joy unspeakable, doing those things that please Him, reaching out, touching lives, bringing joy and hope into men, glorifying His Name through my life and my divine gifts, talents and abilities as the Spirit works in me to do according to His good pleasure.
Great sense of fulfillment and blessed assurance of God being pleased with me encompasses my soul

Life has begun, since Jesus now reigns in me

I have no ambition no more
I no more desire to be known
But for Christ to be known
I no more crave for money
But that I may make lives
I have no ambition no more
It's only the passion and vision of Jesus
I no more desire to be served
I now lovingly long to serve
I've learnt it profits nothing to gain the whole world,
and lose your soul in the burning lake of fire and brimestone
I've learnt and have known better
It is the servant that ends up great
I have known better; the life I have now is sweeter
My ambition and its passions have been crucified!

Real purpose for living is Christ and Christ in all things!

Now like brother Paul of old, the once ambitious, I join him to declare boldly that "I've count all things but loss, for the pricessless privilege of the excellency of the knowledge of Christ."

For enquiries, contact me on:
[email protected]

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