Don't Give Up!
by Steve Countryman

It is easy to give up. Everyone gives up on some things sooner or later. Some things need to be given up. Others are worth fighting for, worth fighting to keep and holding on to. No where in the Bible does it say that becoming a Christian will make your life an easy existence. On the contrary it says that you will be persecuted for being a Christian. Jesus said that He has provided an abundant life for us now. A life that isn't boring or dull but a life that is full of life, excitement, thrilling, full of new experiences, full of revelation and wisdom, full of power and authority, peace and joy, full of His love and grace! All of which is totally up to you. It is all in how you choose to live your life as a Christian. How you choose to spend your time, money and energy. How close of a walk with the Father do you want to have? Everything that I mentioned above is ALL available to every Christian through Jesus Christ if they want God bad enough.

There are people all over the world who call themselves Christian just because they believe that Jesus existed or know about Him. Even the demons believe that Jesus exists but they are not Christian. People who know that Jesus exists but don't believe that He is the one and only Son of God or that Jesus is part of the Holy Trinity or that Jesus died on the cross for their sins. Not everyone who calls themselves Christian is Christian. They lack the fruit in their lives that set them apart from the world. They lack the character traits of Christ-like love. They lack commitment and dedication to the Word of God. They lack an honest relationship with God the Father. Christians are not perfect. Christians make mistakes. Christians should always remain practicing Christians. Speaking from my own experiences, I can tell you that we need all the practice that we can get!

Your walk is an ever forward walk and it is an ever upward walk with the Father. It is like walking up stairs, your walk with the Father takes your participation, effort and willingness to be obedient to God the Father. These are not common looking stairs. The stair steps are not all the same height and depth. Some steps take more effort to go to the next step or level. Some steps are deeper then others because of the time that you need to spend at that level. This journey along God's narrow path is meant to strengthen you in the Lord, re-shape your character, build your faith and trust and remove all fear and doubt.

Along both sides of the stairs there are no hand rails but instead there are traps, snares, temptations and distractions along with hands that are trying to grab your feet and legs to trip you and snag you. All trying to grab your attention. They are waiting for anyone who will wonder near them and gaze at them. To gaze at them you must take your eyes off of the Lord. Taking your eyes off of God is a dangerous thing to do and that is when your troubles really begin! Your progress upward and onward has now come to a screeching halt. Worse yet is the danger you now face by staying there too long because you can easily fall into temptation and sin. Falling down to your knees because of sin. This happens because Christians are not perfect. Staying down is the real problem because those grabby hands will try to drag you from the stairs once you stay down. Staying down means that you have given up.

The good news is that once you are down on your knees, you are in a good position and posture to humble yourself and ask God for forgiveness of your sin. Then you stand up and continue your journey up the stairs with God the Father as all Heaven cheers you on! Each step brings you revelation, wisdom, enlightenment, knowledge and closer to your God. Giving up is not an option if you consider the alternative. Holding on is important for the rewards are great! Hold on to God's Word, to God's promises, to God's blessings, to God's faith, hope and trust! The journey along God's path on your daily walk with the Father is a journey that is well worth the trip! Don't give up! Are you ready?!?

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