A Roadmap
by Esther Thornburg

When using your Bible for a roadmap
Please be aware of the detour signs.
Did you read,"To the faithful in Christ Jesus"?
Or to a nation lead by Abraham?

Some have worshiped in old Jerusalem
But now, we worship in spirit and in truth.
Some have built an alter unto God,
But now, we are complete in Christ.

He purchased us not with riches of this world,
But with the life He gave at Calvary.
Let us believe He is the Son of God
And let His Spirit dwell within our life.

Follow not after the traditions of men
But follow His Spirit in love, from within.
When using your Bible for a roadmap
Please be aware of the detour signs.

Years of living in agricultural communities with the difficulties, duties and emotions that need assistance beyond human ability, found expression in writing. Author of Timeless Words of Poetry .

There is enjoyment in searching who God gave the instruction to, the because, but now, and therefore,

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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