Christians Should Show Their Support For "Year of the Bible" bill.
by Robert Driskell

In a gesture that should excite and please Christians everywhere, Pennsylvania House members have passed a nonbinding resolution declaring 2012 the "Year of the Bible." House Resolution 535 proclaims that the Bible is "the word of God" and goes on to claim that there is a "national need to study and apply the teachings of the Holy Scriptures."

On Friday, Rep. Rick Saccone, the resolution's sponsor, issued a statement on his official web page announcing the passage of the bill, stating that, "House Resolution 535 serves as a reminder that we must look to our faith in God and the Holy Scripture to provide us with the strength, wisdom, and courage to conquer these great trials."

While Christians everywhere should be praising God for the courage and wisdom of those who voted for this resolution, atheists and skeptics are gnashing their teeth because of it. The Freedom from Religion Foundation has announced that they are going to "protest" House Bill 535 as "unconstitutional". It appears that they will be wielding the imaginary sword of "separation of church and state" they reach for every time anyone mentions anything religious at anytime anywhere. Can't they at least form another argument? The "separation of church and state" argument only fools those who have not research it.

The Freedom from Religion Foundation is also asking non-believers and skeptics to contact those responsible for this bill and express their opposition to it.

Christians should also contact these representatives with our support of House Bill 535. It is rare in this day and age that an opportunity such as this comes along. Please pray for this Bill and email your support of it to the following people. There may be some Christians who do not think it is their duty to express themselves publicly concerning this issue. Think about this: if we, as believers, do not voice our support for the idea that America needs God, we are failing to do what we are called to do as Christians, spread the truth of God. Additionally, by our inaction, we are saying that either we do not believe the truth of the Bibleor we do not care.

Please contact these people and show your support for Pennsylvania House Bill 535 (you may not live in Pennsylvania, but this issue will not remain limited to that state):

Speaker of the House Sam Smith
139 Main Capitol Building
PO Box 202066
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2066
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (717) 787-3845

House Minority Leader Frank Dermody
Hon. Frank Dermody
423 Main Capitol Building
PO Box 202033
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2033
Email (this is a webpage contact form, not an address):
Phone: (717) 787-3566

Seeking to introduce people to Jesus Christ and to help them become "transformed by the renewing of their mind."

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